
Die EU-Wasserrahmenrichtline als Ansatz für ein integriertes Flussgebietsmanagement


Dworak, Thomas and Nicole Kranz 2005: "Die EU- Wasserrahmenrichtlinie als Ansatz für ein integriertes Flussgebietsmanagement", in: Susanne Neubert; Waltina Scheumann; Annette van Edig and Walter Huppert (eds.): Integriertes Wasserressourcen-Management (IWRM) - Ein Konzept in die Praxis überführen. Baden-Baden: Nomos, 45-60.

The concept of Integrated Water Resource Management (IWRM), which is based on a cross-sectoral and sustainable management of water resources, is considered as comprehensive approach for addressing current water challenges world-wide. In the context of a publication by the German Institute for Development Policy, various strategies for IWRM are analysed. The contribution of Ecologic discusses the relevance of the European Water Framework Directive (WFD) for achieving IWRM in Europe.

The Water Framework Directive pursues an integrated approach at multiple levels by addressing the management of surface, ground and coastal waters alike. For all water bodies a "good status" is to be achieved, while a further deterioration of quality should be avoided. Further objectives include habitat protection, the promotion of sustainable water use, the stepwise reduction of pollution through hazardous substances as well as the reduction of the effects of floods and droughts.

The Water Framework Directive represents a new path in the protection of water resources, as it not only requires the compliance with emission targets but also the integration of economic considerations. In addition, the WFD is one of the first European Directives to broadly adopt and integrate the key requirements of the Aarhus Convention on Access to Information, Public Participation in Decision-making and Access to Justice in Environmental Matters.

In the context of Ecologic's contribution, the integrative elements of the WFD as well as experiences and best practice in the implementation process are highlighted.

Thomas Dworak
Dr. Nicole Kranz
Published in
Book: Integriertes Wasserresourcen-Management (IWRM)
Published by
15 pp.
Table of contents
Integrated Water Resource Management, WFD, Development

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