
Nachhaltigkeit braucht Strategie


Moore, Nils aus dem et al. 2010: Nachhaltigkeit braucht Strategie. Berlin: stiftung neue verantwortung e.V.

The German national Sustainable Development Strategy (SDS) has the potential to set the pace for Germany’s development towards a more sustainable society. Unfortunately, the strategy fails to define overarching strategic objectives. Isolated measures, indicators and time plans need to be bundled in an integrated strategy for the future. The authors of the policy brief "Sustainability needs Strategy" recommend that the German Government includes four new areas of action in its current SDS: sustainable wealth; sustainable labour policy; sustainable engagement policy and culture of sustainability. These areas are decisive to successfully embed sustainability in Germany’s government, economy and society and will determine whether Germany remains a leader in sustainability. Anneke von Raggamby, Senior Fellow and Head of European Integration at Ecologic Institute is Associate 2009/2010 at the stiftung neue verantwortung (snv) and was one of the authors of this policy brief. The policy brief "Sustainability needs Strategy" is available for download.

Nils aus dem Moore
Cordula Drautz
Anna Leipprand
Tobias Leipprand
Markus Lemke
Julia Mansour
Jan Stöckmann
Cosima Strasser
Dr. Heinrich Tschochohei
Published by
22 pp.
Sustainability, Sustainable Development Strategy

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