
The Eastern Enlargement of the European Union and Environmental Policy

Challenges, Expectations, Speeds and Flexibility


Homeyer, Ingmar von; Alexander Carius and Stefanie Bär 2000: "The Eastern Enlargement of the European Union and Environmental Policy: Challenges, Expectations, Speeds and Flexibility", in: Katharina Holzinger and Peter Knoepfel (eds.): Environmental Policy in a European Union of Variable Geometry? The Challenges of the Next Enlargement. Basel: Helbig & Lichtenhahn, 141-180.

This paper, presented during the Sixth Biennial International Conference of the European Community Studies Association in 1999, examines the implications of the planned EU enlargement for European environmental policy.

The inclusion of ten additional countries from Eastern Europe represents a challenge especially for environmental policy, as it is unclear if the accession countries will be able to meet the EU obligations in this policy field. The authors, Alexander Carius, Ingmar von Homeyer, and Stefani Bär (all Ecologic Institute), analyze what an optimal solution for future environmental policy making could look like.

The paper [pdf, 2.1 MB, English] is available for download on the homepage of the University of Pittsburgh.

The inclusion of ten further countries from Eastern Europe represents a challenge, especially for environmental policy.
31 pp.
Central and Eastern European Countries, enlargement, environmental policy, Acquis Communitaire

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