
Analysis of Germany's Reporting for the European Topic Centre on Air and Climate Change (ETC/ACC)


This project deals with the reporting obligation of the European Community and the Member States under the EC greenhouse gas emissions monitoring mechanism. Ecologic also contributed to a report published by the European Environment Agency (EEA).

In this project, Ecologic aims to support the German Federal Environmental Agency in its preparation of a chapter on Germany for the "Member State Analysis 2002" on greenhouse gas reporting. Ecologic also assists the UBA in its preparation of an environmental issue report on "Greenhouse Gas Emission Trends and Projections in Europe" for the European Environment Agency and for a Monitoring Mechanism Progress Report for the European Commission.

In accordance with the Council Decision 93/389/EEC, as amended by the Council Decision 1999/296/EC, Germany has to prepare a chapter for the "Member State Analysis 2002" for a monitoring mechanism of Community CO2 and other greenhouse gas emissions. This "Member State Analysis 2002" of Germany contributes to the third annual Monitoring Mechanism Progress Report under the Council Decision 1999/296/EC assessing the actual and projected progress of Member States, Candidate Countries and the Community towards fulfilling their greenhouse gas emission commitments under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and the Kyoto Protocol. The Progress Report is supported and complement by the related Environmental Issue Report on "Greenhouse Gas Emission Trends and Projections in Europe" prepared by the European Environment Agency and its European Topic Centre on Air and Climate Change. On the basis of national programmes, this indicator-based assessment assesses the actual and projected progress (by 2010) of the European Community and the Candidate Countries in view of achieving their targets under the Kyoto Protocol.

In a first phase of this project, Ecologic supports the German Federal Environmental Agency (UBA) on preparing the chapter on Germany for the "Member State Analysis 2002". Ecologic analyses the German Monitoring Report that is aimed to fulfil Germany's reporting obligations in accordance with the Council Decision 1999/296/EC. The analysis of Germany's climate protection reporting assesses the policies and measures and evaluates the actual and projected progress of the country meeting the commitments under the UNFCCC and the Kyoto Protocol. In a second phase, Ecologic assists the UBA to prepare an Environmental Issue Report on "Greenhouse Gas Emission Trends and Projections in Europe" for the European Environment Agency. This report is closely linked to the European commitments in accordance with the aforementioned Council Decision 1999/296/EC. In a last - third - phase Ecologic prepares a draft of the third annual Monitoring Mechanism Progress Report under the Council Decision 1999/296/EC for the European Commission on greenhouse gas emission trends and projections in Europe.

Ecologic also contributed to the report Greenhouse gas emission trends and projections in Europe published by the European Environment Agency (EEA) in the Environmental issue report No 33

Lars Selwig
Project ID
European Environmental Policy, Climate Protection Reporting, Greenhouse Gas, GHG, Directive 1999/296/EC, Monitoring Mechanism, Projections, Member State Analysis 2002, Progress Report, European Environment Agency, ETC/ACC, Greenhouse Gas Emission Trends and Projections, Policies and Measures

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