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Ecologic Institute Science and Policy for a Sustainable World

Cover of the Policy Paper "Between climate action and competitiveness: towards a coherent industrial policy in the EU" by Ecologic Institute

© Ecologic Institute, 2024

Between Climate Action and Competitiveness: Towards a coherent industrial policy in the EU

Principles for an EU industrial policy for climate action

Policy Brief
This new report from Ecologic Institute, PIK and IER discusses what EU industrial policy should look like, what principles it should follow and how it interacts with the set of existing EU climate and energy policies. The report proposes six principles for an EU industrial policy for climate action and discusses the 'industrial policy trilemma' of navigating goals in climate action, competitiveness, and security.
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The cover page of a report titled Integrating Nature-Based Solutions in Policy and Planning: Findings and Lessons from INTERLACE Cities. The design features the INTERLACE logo and tagline, "Restoring Urban Ecosystems / Recuperando Ecosistemas Urbanos," on a white background. The right side displays a vibrant urban scene, showing a cityscape with a mix of modern buildings, including a tall, white skyscraper and a unique architectural structure, surrounded by dense greenery under a blue sky.
© INTERLACE project, 2024

Integrating Nature-Based Solutions in Policy and Planning

Findings and Lessons from INTERLACE Cities

Der Bericht "Findings and Lessons from INTERLACE Cities" (dt.: Erkenntnisse und Lektionen aus den INTERLACE-Städten), fasst die Erfahrungen der sieben Partnerstädte in Europa und Lateinamerika zusammen. Er richtet sich an politische Entscheidungsträger:innen und Stadtplaner:innen, die naturbasierte Lösungen (NbS) systematisch in ihre städtischen Planungs- und Governance-Strukturen einbinden möchten. Dabei betont die Publikation die Bedeutung inklusiver Beteiligungsprozesse sowie den Einsatz moderner Daten- und Finanzierungsinstrumente, um NbS auf eine breitere Ebene zu skalieren.
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The cover page of a report titled From ideas to action: INTERLACE impulses for successfully implementing NbS in cities. The header features the INTERLACE logo and tagline, "Restoring Urban Ecosystems / Recuperando Ecosistemas Urbanos." The  INTERLACE city impulse papers, authored by Gutiérrez Miranda, Marcela, et al. The design includes a vibrant, multicolored abstract swirl, framing an image of a person riding a bicycle through a tree-lined, sunny urban park.

© INTERLACE project, 2024

From Ideas to Action

INTERLACE impulses for successfully implementing NbS in cities

The report ‘From Ideas to Action’ presents the strategy papers of the seven INTERLACE partner cities, which were developed in close cooperation with local stakeholders in Europe and Latin America. These papers highlight tailor-made strategies for nature-based solutions (NbS), including the revitalisation of urban parks in Chemnitz and the development of a search engine for green infrastructure projects in Kraków. The aim is to effectively address the unique challenges of each city, such as climate change, biodiversity loss and social inequality.
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social media card with statement and photo

© Ecologic Institute, 2024

Steps Forward Amid Setbacks: Progress Toward a Global Plastics Treaty

INC5 in Busan highlights growing ambition and unity, despite delays in reaching a final agreement to end plastic pollution.

Berlin, Germany
The fifth round of negotiations (#INC5) to agree on an international legally binding instrument (ILBI) to end plastic pollution took place from 25 November to 1 December in Busan, South Korea. Originally intended to be the last round of negotiations leading to a plastics treaty, UN member states failed to agree on such a treaty. Many stakeholders left disappointed, and both member states and observers will have to meet again at an INC5.2 in 2025 to continue their work to end plastic pollution.
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© 2024 Cambridge University Press & Assessment

Urban Nature – New Directions for City Futures

A new textbook entitled 'Urban Nature: New directions for city futures', co-authored by Ecologic Institute's McKenna Davis, has just been published. The introductory textbook with a global scope aims to train students of geography, sustainability, and urban and environmental studies to re-imagine and transform cities to meet climate, biodiversity, and sustainability challenges. It speaks directly to the twin crises of biodiversity loss and a changing climate as well as the imperative to integrate justice with urban nature and nature-based solutions, putting cities in focus as spaces and places for transformative change.
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Ecologic Institute: Science and Policy for a Sustainable World

Ecologic Institute conducts inter- and transdisciplinary environmental research and has offices in Berlin and Brussels. In its role as a private, independent organization, Ecologic Institute is dedicated to the preparation of relevant sociopolitical aspects of sustainability research and contributing new knowledge to environmental policy. Innovative research methods, an orientation on practice and a transdisciplinary approach ensure scientific excellent and social relevance. The work done at Ecologic Institute covers the spectrum of environmental topics and includes the integration of environment-related issues into other political spheres.

Ecologic Institute was founded in 1995 and collaborates closely with other European and international bodies, including active participation as a member of the Ecological Research Network (Ecornet). Today, the more than 100 individuals at Ecologic Institute work in a variety of international and interdisciplinary project teams.


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Ecologic Institute is a partner in Ecornet, the network of leading non-university, non-profit German research institutes focusing on environmental and sustainability research.

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