
Political, Economic, Environmental and Social Aspects of Global Biomass Production and Bioenergy

St. Gallen, Switzerland

The Oikos-conference “Limits to growth – growing beyond limits“ took place from 18.-19. Oktober in St.Gallen (Switzerland). Different actors from research, economy and politics discussed the relationship between sustainable development and economic growth. During a workshop on limits to growth for renewable energies, Timo Kaphengst gave a presentation on the economic and political framework of bioenergy production as well as on the social and environmental impacts of the current bioenergy boom. His presentation is available for download.

Within the current debate there seems to be no limit to fantasizing about immediate autarkic energy supply based on the use of renewables on the one hand, while some people still refuse to recognize limits to fossil fuel consumption on the other hand. The workshop aimed at breaking down an often ideological debate to a more realistic level of analysis. It thereby focused on the potentials and strategies in the rather unclear field of bioenergy. Together with experts specialized on technology, economics and ecology the participants worked out limits in the particular areas, in order to develop multidimensional strategies for the future use of bioenergy potentials in the end.

The presentation of Timo Kaphengst is available for download [pdf, English, 3.01 MB].

St. Gallen, Switzerland
Bioenergy, biomass production, biofuels, agriculture, investment, energy, policy, deforestation

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