
Theme Tour: Climate protection and climate adaptation


Climate change requires adaptation. Research results clearly show that the global climate is changing – this is accompanied by worldwide challenges that can be met at national, regional and local level.

In Germany, there are numerous very advanced climate adaptation projects, especially in the coastal regions of the North Sea and Baltic Sea. But there are also examples in the field of land and water use under changing climate conditions that show how climatic changes can be dealt with. Against the background of international efforts in the area of climate protection, it is very important to also address the area of climate adaptation and to discuss it with international decision-makers and multipliers.

The aim of the thematic trip was therefore to initiate an intensive dialogue with international decision-makers, multipliers and journalists from different regions of the world, which would serve to transfer and exchange experience and knowledge on the challenges of adapting to climate change. The aim was also to convey an up-to-date, authentic image of Germany in the field of climate protection and adaptation. The climate projects and concepts in urban, rural and coastal areas in Germany were to illustrate current quality standards. Practical examples, political framework conditions and current research were presented.

Another overarching goal of the trip was to connect participants with local, regional and national decision-makers and experts involved in climate change adaptation in Germany.

Project ID
climate protection
study tour

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