Kommentierung der §§ 11 und 12 des Kreislaufwirtschaftsgesetzes
- Publication
- Citation
Sina, Stephan 2014: "Kommentierung der §§ 11 und 12 KrWG", in: Christop Jahn; Daniela Deifuß-Kruse and André Brandt (eds.): Kreislaufwirtschaftsgesetz. [Rechtswissenschaften und Verwaltung Kommentare]. Stuttgart: Kohlhammer Verlag, 171-186.
Dr. Stephan Sina, lawyer and Senior Fellow at Ecologic Institute, commented on the provisions regarding closed cycle management of bio-waste and sewage sludge (section 11 KrWG) and quality assurance in the field of bio-waste and sewage sludge (section 12 KrWG) in a new legal commentary on the Closed Cycle Management Act (Kreislaufwirtschaftsgesetz, KrWG). The legal commentary, edited by Jahn/Deifuß-Kruse/Brandt, was published by Kohlhammer in February 2014. It provides guidance to lawyers, administrative agencies, and waste management companies with respect to the application of the new Closed Cycle Management Act.
On 1 June 2012, the Closed Cycle Management Act (Kreislaufwirtschaftsgesetz, KrWG) replaced the Closed Cycle Management and Waste Act (Kreislaufwirtschafts- und Abfallgesetz, KrW-/AbfG). For the first time, the new law includes separate provisions on bio-waste and sewage sludge. In particular, section 11 KrWG introduces, as a general rule, the duty to collect bio-waste separately by 2015. Section 12 KrWG enables the introduction of quality assurance systems for both categories of waste in order to promote their environmentally safe production and recovery. The annotation gives a concise current overview of the new regulatory framework.