While hydrogen (H2) emissions make up a negligible fraction of today's GHG emissions, they are set to become more significant in the 2030s and, should the EU and the global community progress towards climate neutrality, will likely be substantial in the 2040s, as achieving climate neutrality requires the expansion of hydrogen use alongside the rapid reduction of other GHGs. As decisions made today will shape hydrogen value chains for decades, this paper develops a series of policy proposals to implement a four-pronged strategy.
This interactive infographic shows what the future could look like in 20 to 30 years - in two scenarios: one with resolute climate protection and another scenario that leaves everything as it is. The intention is to make the consequences of climate change more tangible and to illustrate the urgency of climate protection measures.
The Federal Environment Agency's online platform "Human Pharmaceuticals and the Environment" provides information on the environmental impact of human pharmaceuticals and gives recommendations for environmentally conscious use and disposal. The aim is to minimize the entry of pharmaceutical residues into the environment and thus protect organisms, water, and soil.
A new research report by the Ecologic Institute and Oeko-Institut discusses the implementation of the EU's new 2040 climate target. It identifies building blocks and measures particularly relevant for cutting the EU's emissions by net 90% in 2040.
Kemper, Melanie 2025: Verbreitung von Informations- und Lehrmaterialien für einen umweltbewussten Umgang mit Humanarzneimitteln - Konzept und Plan für eine Kampagne. Ecologic Institut, Berlin. Unpublished.
This report, commissioned by the German Environment Agency and co-authored by Ecologic Institute, contains a detailed assessment of ten crediting methodologies on climate-friendly soil management measures. These crediting methodologies are examples of result-based payment and offsetting approaches to fund enhanced carbon sequestration and reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from agricultural practices. Our evaluation of these certification methodologies covers key aspects, including emission quantification, baseline setting, additionality, risk management, environmental and social impacts, and governance. We find many weaknesses with the assessed methodologies.
Soils are vital for climate mitigation, storing substantial carbon. This report, co-authored by Ecologic Institute's Hugh McDonald, Aaron Scheid and Dr. Ana Frelih-Larsen, examines funding approaches to promote climate-friendly soil management in Europe, focusing on two models: action-based and result-based. Action-based funding supports specific activities but doesn't ensure measurable outcomes, while result-based funding ties payments to verified results, encouraging innovation but involving higher costs and monitoring. Result-based funding approaches can be challenging in the context of soil carbon, with offsetting approaches found to be particularly risky.
Pharmaceuticals in the environment are a growing problem. The UBA Internet portal "Human Medicinal Products and the Environment" offers freely available, scientifically proven teaching materials for medical and pharmaceutical lecturers. With the basic set of slides and the accompanying texts, the topic can be taught comprehensively and practically despite tight curricula.
Kemper, Melanie; Christin Dammann; Johanna Henkel; Juliane Petri 2024: Kommunikation zur Umsetzung von Moorschutz in Brandenburg – Empfehlungen und Handreichungen. Ecologic Institut und Deutscher Verband für Landschaftspflege. Unpublished.
This new report from Ecologic Institute, PIK and IER discusses what EU industrial policy should look like, what principles it should follow and how it interacts with the set of existing EU climate and energy policies. The report proposes six principles for an EU industrial policy for climate action and discusses the 'industrial policy trilemma' of navigating goals in climate action, competitiveness, and security.
Nature-based solutions (NbS) hold immense potential to address global challenges such as climate change and biodiversity loss – but how can ambitious goals finally be translated into action? This article provides valuable insights into 250 practical policy instruments from 41 countries that successfully promote NbS. For the first time, a systematic evaluation of good practice examples is presented, aimed at helping cities and communities implement NbS effectively. From innovative approaches to long-term sustainable solutions, the authors highlight how policy design around NbS can be optimized globally. The article provides concrete recommendations and inspiring success stories to advance the implementation of NbS in your region!
Liquid pharmaceutical leftovers are more often disposed of incorrectly in waste water than solid ones. For this reason, a German-language postcard in DIN A6 (10 x 15 cm) has been developed on this topic, which can be given to customers when liquid medicines are handed in at the pharmacy.
Kemper, Melanie; Elisa Thomaset und Jennifer Reck 2024: Von Niederungsmanagement bis Versumpfung: Kommunikation zur Umsetzung von Moorschutz. Medienresonanz- und Kommunikationsanalyse in den moorreichen deutschen Bundesländern. Ecologic Institut, Berlin. Unpublished.
Dr Ralph Bodle, Arne Riedel and Dr Stephan Sina from Ecologic Institute's Legal Team are among the authors of the comprehensive legal commentary on climate change law (BeckOK Klimarecht), which was published by C. H. Beck on their online platform in December 2024. The commentary is edited by Prof Ekkehard Hofmann and Dr Franziska Heß and is the first to cover climate-related laws and treaties at international, European and national level.
Pharmacies are an obvious place for conversation about pharmaceuticals and their effects on people and the environment, as well as the disposal of unused products. The information package for pharmacies provides pharmacy staff with in-depth background information for such discussions.
This infographic provides a brief overview of the toxicity of human pharmaceutical substances on non-target organisms observed in laboratory and case studies. A detailed version of the table, which also includes effect concentrations and literature sources, can be downloaded as a PDF.
This paper analyses relevant enabling and hindering factors for the implementation of subsoil management in a regional context, focusing on (i) geophysical conditions and (ii) relevant socio-economic criteria in selected regions of Germany.
Ecologic Institute designed and developed the project website "Circular Textiles" within the networking and transfer project of the funding program "Resource-efficient circular economy – circular sustainable textiles: development of holistic, practical solutions for closing loops in the textile industry". The website provides an overview of all funded joint projects. It also contains information on the projects and events, as well as news from the networking and transfer project.
Recent Multimedia Publications by Ecologic Institute
Event:Digital Event
The Ecologic Institute is hosting a virtual scoping workshop as part of the TROPICAL ADAPT project: Ecosystem-based Adaptation for Coastal Regions Worldwide. This workshop brings together members of the Advisory Board and other stakeholders to explore challenges and opportunities for EbA, refine project strategies, and foster collaboration. The workshop will provide a platform to share insights on challenges and opportunities for EbA in coastal regions, refine strategic priorities for the project, and foster collaboration among experts. Additionally, it will help identify key questions to guide future workshops.
On 19 February 2025, the RESTORE4Cs project will host a webinar titled "Tools and Indicators for Coastal Wetland Restoration to Promote Climate Resilience in Europe."
This interactive infographic shows what the future could look like in 20 to 30 years - in two scenarios: one with resolute climate protection and another scenario that leaves everything as it is. The intention is to make the consequences of climate change more tangible and to illustrate the urgency of climate protection measures.