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Newsweek: Greenest Nation – America could soon out-innovate Europe and Japan

Newsweek: Greenest Nation – America could soon out-innovate Europe and Japan

Newsweek: Greenest Nation – America could soon out-innovate Europe and Japan


The United States may soon be the "Greenest Nation", according to an in-depth article by Stefan Theil in the Newsweek Magazine issue of 2-9 March 2009. R. Andreas Kraemer of Ecologic was interviewed for and is quoted in the article.  The analysis highlights the achievements of individual US States, and the superior potential for innovation and transformation towards a low-carbon economy in the US.

Stefan Theil's article "Greenest Nation: A laggard no longer, America could soon out-innovate Europe and Japan" provides a nuanced perspective on the energy efficiency of individual US States, some of which are more advanced than Denmark or Germany, explains the role of States in providing new policy solutions and leadership in key areas.

The core message of the Newsweek article, namely that the innovation capacity of the United States might allow it to overtake Europe as a leader in climate policy and low-carbon technology is supported by the arguments presented by R. Andreas Kraemer in his contributions to IP Global Edition, the Journal of the German Council on Foreign Relations (DGAP). For details see the links below.

Further Links:

See details on R. Andreas Kraemer's IP Global Edition article entitled “Learning from Europe's Mistakes – Can the US catch up in climate protection?

See the details on R. Andreas Kraemer's contribution to Internationale Politik entitled „Von Europas Fehlern lernen – Beim Klimaschutz gerieten die USA ins Hintertreffen. Sie holen schnell auf.“ [German]

See also Stefan Theils earlier article in Newsweek Magazine entitled "No Country Is More ‘Green By Design’ [than Germany]".