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The Scope of the Economic Analysis in the Water Framework Directive

The Scope of the Economic Analysis in the Water Framework Directive

The Scope of the Economic Analysis in the Water Framework Directive


The economic analysis according to Article 5 of the European Union Water Framework Directive (WFD) must be completed by the end of 2004. In Scotland, the Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA) is the lead authority in the WFD implementation process. In this context, SEPA commissioned this project to scope the economic analysis in the WFD with regard to its implementation in Scotland.

Objectives of the study

The main objectives of the study were:

  • to inform stakeholders and experts on the requirements of the economic analysis in the WFD and on the process initiated by SEPA for addressing these requirements,
  • to scope the economic analysis in the WFD and develop a practical plan of actions for its implementation in Scotland, 
  • to provide input to SEPA on developing a "screening" framework by which the economic aspects of derogation tests might be applied.


The study builds on the review of documents and reports of relevance to the implementation of economic elements of the Water Framework Directive in Scotland, on internal discussions with SEPA experts involved in the WFD implementation process, on meetings with a wide range of experts and stakeholders of the water community in Scotland, and on discussions with experts from the European Union Member States and from the European Commission.


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PhD Pierre Strosser
Eduard Interwies
Project ID
Water Framework Directive, environment, economic, instruments, analysis, scope, implementation, derogation, Article 4, regulation
European Union, Scotland