Naturerbe – Eine Frage der Kultur
- Publication
- Citation
Müssner, Rainer 2006: "Naturerbe – Eine Frage der Kultur", in: Volker Hauff and Günther Bachmann (eds.): Unterm Strich. Erbschaften und Erblasten für das Deutschland von morgen. Eine Generationenbilanz. Munich: oekom Verlag, 75-82.
Nature conservation contributes significantly to preserving the natural heritage of Germany. However, conservation has been unable to stop biodiversity loss and the negative effects of intensive land use in such a closely populated country.
In this chapter, Rainer Müssner shows how in times of demographic and social change, nature conservation has dangers as well as concrete options as to how to preserve the German cultural landscape. Decreases in population and a reduction in human settlements give fragmented habitat a chance to grow back together. Also, changes in EU agriculture policy offer new possibilities for nature conservation, land use, and income support. Nature conservation must be seen both by specialists as by diversified businesses, where there is room for manoeuvring. The possibilities of the organisation reach from binding standards to voluntary commitments to incentives and certification mechanisms. Thereby it must be clear that is not enough view new ideas and practices as the "model", but it must concern a general reorientation of nature conservation and its instruments.
This chapter by Rainer Müssner is part of the book, "Unterm Strich. Erbschaften und Erblasten für das Deutschland von morgen. Eine Generationenbilanz", which was written next to the project "Contributions to Generational Accounting to Assess Sustainability".