Leben ist Bewegung
- Publication
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Raggamby, Anneke von 2006: "Leben ist Bewegung", in: Volker Hauff and Günther Bachmann (eds.): Unterm Strich. Erbschaften und Erblasten für das Deutschland von morgen. Eine Generationenbilanz. München: oekom Verlag, 115-124.
In the future, increases in motorization and traffic capacity will no longer be synonymous with mobility. In particular, inhabitants in rural areas need to consider that short distance public transportation (ÖPNV) will be strongly reduced. The state now anticipates the problem of guaranteeing the public’s general interest in the principle of equal living conditions.
In this chapter, Anneke Von Raggamby discusses the issue of how technical progress, demographic change, infrastructure and mobility interact with each other, and which development potentials provide for ecological reforms of the transport systems.
In the future, despite decreases in population, the number of the driven kilometres will not drastically drop. It is possible, that through further motorization population areas with below average mobility will increase their mobility. At the same time, roads will individually get longer. The automobile is today still a status symbol and offers vital advantages compared to existing alternatives, even though residents from depopulated regions pay the brunt of infrastructure costs.
More efficiency in the transport sector, equalisation of the traffic hours, and an improvement in ÖPNV could increase the standard of living in cities, attracting more residents and in the end reducing lane use. A modern transportation sector could, like the market for technical innovation for efficiency increases of the car at the moment, make many work places available. However, this market needs financial assistance to develop itself.
Overall, the emphasis is the avoidance of transportation. So, a centralisation of the public structures should be particularly considered around routes of transportation to avoid rural areas with low population.
This chapter by Anneke von Raggamby is part of the book, "Unterm Strich. Erbschaften und Erblasten für das Deutschland von morgen. Eine Generationenbilanz", which was written next to the project "Contributions to Generational Accounting to Assess Sustainability".