In the light of increasing prices for energy and raw materials, ecological soundness, technological advance and resource-efficiency are major factors for competitiveness. The Ecologic Institute has carried out a study on Environmental Innovation in Brazil, Russia, India and South Africa in the context of globalisation. This project contributes to and is part of the OECD project on Environmental Innovation and Globalisation.
The analysis consists of a two-step approach designed to assess the innovation environment in these countries. The first step consisted of analysing the national policy frameworks with regard to policies that promote sustainable development and environmental innovation, particularly energy efficiency standards, renewable energy targets, and subsidies for renewable energies. The second step evaluated national science and technology policies with regard to their effectiveness and potential impact on innovation in the field of environment.
Following this analysis, the national policy frameworks and specific policies were evaluated according to the goals of the EU Environmental Technologies Action Plan (ETAP), which served as a benchmark for comparison. The study concludes by outlining the necessary steps to realise the ETAP objectives in the four countries.