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Cambio Climático


Cambio Climático


Mehling, Michael; Arturo Brandt 2011: "Cambio Climático", in: Sindico; Egea; Pentinat (eds.): "Derecho Internacional del Medio Ambiente". London: CMP Publishing, 185-209.

The growing importance of international law for global climate cooperation is underscored in a new book chapter by Michael Mehling and Arturo Brandt, which recently appeared in the first manual on international environmental law for a Spanish-speaking audience. "Derecho Internacional del Medio Ambiente", a new collection of essays from Cameron May Publishing, covers the foundations of international environmental law, key environmental regimes, and topics of relevance for environmental protection at a global level.

In Chapter 7, titled "Cambio Climático", authors Michael Mehling and Arturo Brandt describe the history, main actors and institutions, and central objectives and principles of international climate change law.

Academic literature in the Spanish-speaking world – which comprises the second-largest number of native speakers after Mandarin Chinese – still suffers from a lack of high-level academic publications on international environmental law. This collection aims to fill the gap with a book for use by universities and research centers working to develop environmental law programs that include an international dimension to their curricula.

The book can be purchased from CMP Publishing for £50.00/US$80.00.


Arturo Brandt
Published in
Book: Derecho Internacional del Medio Ambiente
Published by
24 pp.
978-1- 907174-09-4
Table of contents
Climate Change, Environmental Law, International Law