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Design and Effectiveness of Climate Protection Legislation in International Comparison

Berlin, Germany

In the first BSEC (Berlin Seminar on Energy and Climate) after the summer break, possible functions and roles of a German climate protection law for the transformation in sectors with the highest emissions will be presented and discussed. Matthias Duwe, from Ecologic Institute, will talk about the design and effectiveness of climate change legislation in international comparison. The seminar will take place on 15 October 2018 in Berlin.

Although Germany has ambitious climate targets of -40 % (2020), -55% (2030) and -80-95 % (2050) and planning works based on cabinet resolutions (climate protection plan 2050), so far there is no legal basis to support further implementation and target achievement. A climate protection law, as envisaged in the coalition agreement for 2019, should provide as much clarity as possible about institutional responsibilities and procedures, as well as procedural elements such as monitoring and the associated countermeasures in the event of imminent failure to achieve the climate targets set.

Furthermore, the gap in climate policy governance in Germany that a climate protection law can fill with regard to transformation will be discussed, as well as how effective design elements of a climate law are for transformation.


  • Welcome and Introduction – Karsten Neuhoff (DIW)
  • Presentation of analysis paper "The Climate Protection Act: a central building block for transformation" – Heiner von Lüpke (DIW)
  • International perspective: Design and effectiveness of climate protection legislation in international comparison – Matthias Duwe (Ecologic Institute)
  • Panel Session: What are the options for a German climate protection law? What must be done to achieve the most ambitious – Dr Dirk Weinreich (BMU)
  • Climate Protection Act to be passed? How can a KSG contribute to transformation from the point of view of energy efficiency?
  • Questions and answers, general discussion
  • Summary and closing remarks – Karsten Neuhoff (DIW)
Berlin Seminar on Energy and Climate Policy
Berlin, Germany
Climate Protection Act, transformation, climate targets, Climate Protection Plan, governance, energy efficiency

Source URL: https://www.ecologic.eu/15949