The project aims to quantitatively assess the carbon storage potential of the North Sea and Baltic Sea in good environmental status according to the MSFD and in good ecological status according to the WFD. This assessment will provide clear recommendations on how natural climate protection in the seas can be improved and whether the current targets are sufficient from a climate protection perspective.
This project will help identify cross-sectoral (climate action) policies, instruments, and programmes that contribute to a carbon-neutral circular economy in the EU. It aims to identify options to optimise the policy interplay in different regions in order to support the achievement of the European climate action targets and to accelerate ambition increases in this decade and the next.
Brandenburg's cabinet adopted a peatland protection program in March 2023, building on the National Peatland Protection Strategy and the 2021 "Climate Protection through Peatland Protection" initiative. The project aims to develop recommendations for communication on peatland protection in Brandenburg, examining the current communication landscape. The Ecologic Institute is commissioned by the Ministry of Agriculture, Environment, and Climate Protection of the State of Brandenburg.
This project for The Nature And Biodiversity Conservation Union (NABU) aims to convey in an effective and accessible way that our actions today have an impact on the future, especially on nature and the livelihoods of future generations. Through carefully designed visualizations that are based on scientific research, we want to show how the climate crisis is affecting nature and the German landscape, and how climate protection and adaptation can prevent damage, mitigate the effects of the biodiversity crisis and ultimately improve our lives.
This project is focused on assessing and improving the impact of Climate-ADAPT through an evaluation that looks both backward and forward. The primary objective of the project is to comprehensively evaluate Climate-ADAPT, including its subsites such as the European Climate and Health Observatory and the EU Mission on Adaptation Portal.
This study aims to support the Advisory Board in providing policy-relevant recommendations on how to increase adaptation efforts and enhance the resilience of the EU against climate change impacts. Ecologic Institute is coordinating the work on global and EU level policy processes on adaptation.
This study aims to provide actionable recommendations to the European Commission for how to make progress on selected international climate finance instruments.
The project aims to provide the European Commission with information on how to best use the EU budget in the post-2027 MFF to achieve the ambitious environmental and climate objectives in an effective and efficient way. The results of this project will feed into the political processes that will shape the post-2027 MFF.
The aim of this project is to conceptualise and design an exhibition that encourages citizens to work towards a future in which the climate and biodiversity crises are tackled and overcome together.
The project objective is to gain a deeper understanding of the climate data users require and how this information can empower them to make informed decisions in the context of climate-related challenges. The project builds upon prior experiences of working with users across Europe. The project envisages the organization of user interaction sessions, encompassing six national and three transboundary events.
The aim of this project is to assist the European Scientific Advisory Board on Climate Change in providing an overall, long-term vision for the EU's governance of carbon removals, and offer technical assistance for the analysis of the policy architecture for carbon removals, including support with data analysis, financial analysis, literature reviews, policy evaluation, benchmarks, and expertise on forestry and agriculture.
How does climate change affect water quality and quantity, and thus human health and well-being? What adaptation measures can be taken to avoid or reduce the negative consequences? How can we use the best available information and tools to make informed decisions? These questions are at the heart of a new project, carried out by Ecologic Institute together with partners from Ramboll, Climate Analytics, EREDA Consultants and OIeau.
The Assessing Climate Change Risk in EUrope (ACCREU) project aims to support a just transition to climate resilience in the EU by co-creating and delivering actionable ideas and new knowledge. This project brings together diverse stakeholders to address climate change adaptation and mitigation in the face of new social and environmental challenges.
For the period 2023-2029, Ecologic Institute joined the Core Team of 20 senior experts supporting the European Evaluation Helpdesk for the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP). As part of the EU CAP Network, the Evaluation Helpdesk's mission is to ensure the effectiveness of CAP evaluations by specifically assisting managing authorities, national CAP networks, paying agencies, evaluators and the European Commission.