Ecologic Institute Ranks 18th in Global Think Tank Evaluation from China
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- Berlin, Germany
As an alternative to global think-tank rankings based on perceptions, the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS) conducted its own systematic and criteria-based evaluation of think tanks worldwide, in part in order to lean lessons for the establishment and improvement of think tanks in China. Ecologic Institute attained 18th rank overall; the highest ranking among think tank focusing on environment, resources, energy, climate and sustainability.
The Chinese Evaluation Center for Humanities and Social Sciences (CECHSS) under CASS carried out the underlying data collection and analysis. The methodology is designed to measure the (theoretical) ability of think tanks to do good work, looking at (in their words):
- Attractive Power: the external environment of a think tank. A favorable external environment can attract more resources and enhance attraction of the evaluation object.
- Management Power: the ability of managers to manage and develop a think tank.
- Impact Power: the direct expression of a think tank and the ultimate embodiment of the two aforementioned powers above.
The three components are combined into the "AMI Index".
The ranking confirms the international standing of Ecologic Institute that is expressed also in other rankings, such as the annual Global Go To Think Tank Index Report of the University of Pennsylvania, or the ICCG Climate Think Tank Ranking by the International Center for Climate Governance (ICCG).
CASS published a short news article covering the launch of the CECHSS ranking.
The scores of the Top 10, Ecologic Institute, and selected sustainability, environment, resource & climate think tanks can be found in the image below: