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Action Plan to Maintain and Restore to Favourable Conservation Status the Habitat Type 6210 Semi-natural Dry Grasslands and Scrubland Facies on Calcareous Substrates


Action Plan to Maintain and Restore to Favourable Conservation Status the Habitat Type 6210 Semi-natural Dry Grasslands and Scrubland Facies on Calcareous Substrates


Olmeda C., Šefferová V., Underwood E., Millan L., Gil T. and Naumann S. (compilers) 2019: EU Action plan to maintain and restore to favourable conservation status the habitat type 6210 Semi-natural dry grasslands and scrubland facies on calcareous substrates (Festuco-Brometalia) (*important orchid sites). European Commission Technical Report.



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Sandra Naumann
Concha Olmeda (The N2K Group / ATECMA)
Viera Šefferová (The N2K Group / Daphne Institute of Applied Ecology)
Evelyn Underwood (Institute of European Environmental Policy)
Lucía Millan (The N2K Group / ATECMA)
Teresa Gil (The N2K Group / ATECMA)

Contributors: Alfonso San Miguel (Politécnica University of Madrid, Spain), Anamaria Roman (Institute of Biological Research Cluj, Romania), Andraž Čarni (Slovenian Academy of Sciences), Andy Bleasdale (National Parks and Wildlife Service, Ireland), Axel Ssymank (Federal Agency for Nature Conservation, BfN), Brendan Dunford (Burren Programme, Ireland), Cliona O’Brien (National Parks and Wildlife Service, Ireland), Daniela Gigante (University of Perugia, Italy), Douglas Evans (European Topic Centre for Biodiversity, European Environment Agency), Gergely Király University of West Hungary), Gwyn Jones (European Forum on Nature Conservation and Pastoralism), Helena Lager (Swedish Environmental Protection Agency), Hrvoje Kutnjak (University of Zagreb, Croatia), Ivana Jongepierová (Nature Conservation Agency, Czech Republic), Iveta Škodová (Slovak Academy of Sciences), James R. Martin (Botanical, Environmental & Conservation (BEC) Consultants Ltd, Ireland), Ján Šeffer (Daphne Institute of Applied Ecology), Jasenka Topić (University of Zagreb, Croatia), Joost Dewyspelaere (BirdLife International), Jørgen Lissner (Danish Environmental Protection Agency), Jürgen Dengler (Eurasian Dry Grassland Group, University of Bayreuth), Louis-Marie Delescaille (Nature and Forest Department, Belgium), Maria Long (National Parks and Wildlife Service, Ireland), Meeli Mesipuu (Estonian Seminatural Communities Conservation Association), Mihail Mihailov (Ministry of Environment, Bulgaria), Mike Edwards (BWARS, UK), Pawel Pawlaczyk (Naturalists Club, Poland), Richard Jefferson (Natural England, UK), Robert Paxton (Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg, Germany), Sam Ellis (Butterfly Conservation Europe), Solvita Rūsiņa (University of Latvia), Sue Collins (Butterfly Conservation Europe), Tamara Kirin (Croatian Agency for Environment and Nature), Thorsten Englisch (University of Vienna), Urs Jäger (State Office for Environmental Protection - Saxony-Anhalt, Germany), Valerijus Rasomavicius (Institute of Botany, Nature Research Centre, Lithuania).

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123 pp.
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Birds and Habitats Directives, Nature Directives, Nitrates Directive, Invasive Alien Species Regulation, Nature Plan, EU28, Natura 2000, governance, Habitat Action Plans
Germany, Slovenia, Lithuania, Europe