(c) Marcin Jozwiak (pexels)
Carbon Removals in EU Climate Policies
How to Use Carbon Removal Certificates?
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The negotiations of the Carbon Removals Certification Framework (CRCF) have put EU climate policies at a critical juncture. These negotiations raise some essential questions concerning the further development of EU climate policy, such as:
- What is the role of carbon removals in future EU climate policies?
- For what purposes should they be used, and what should they not be used for?
- Is the integration of carbon removals into the Emission Trading Scheme, the Effort Sharing Regulation or other EU laws a good idea?
- Can Carbon Removal Certificates play a role in subsidy schemes, taxation or permitting rules?
Our work regarding these questions will be presented and discussed at this workshop, which is jointly organised by Ecologic institute, Oeko-Institut and the German Environment Agency.
At the workshop, we would also like to present results of the project “Assessing the Certification Framework for Carbon Dioxide Removals in the EU”. The project developed a typology of carbon removals, assessed the Commission’s CRCF proposal, evaluated the removal potentials of natural sinks and discussed options for the implementation and specification of the CRCF. This project is funded by the German Environment Agency.