Ecologic Institute Newsletter No 226 – July 2021
- Ecologic Institute Newsletter

Impact of Measures to Reduce Nitrogen Discharge from Agriculture: Results from an Analysis of the Cooperation Model for Drinking Water Protection in NRW – Journal Article
Drinking water protection in North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW) is based on voluntary cooperative activities between farmers and water suppliers in addition to mandatory requirements. This cooperation was evaluated in a study for the Ministry of Environment, Agriculture, Nature and Consumer Protection in NRW by Ecologic Institute and HYDOR Consult. The results were summarized in two articles published in the journal "Korrespondenz Wasserwirtschaft". Rodrigo Vidaurre and Hannes Schritt of Ecologic Institute wrote part 1 of the article series, which presents the effects of the implemented measures as determined on the basis of agricultural data.

Measuring Progress towards Climate Neutrality – Report
This report presents an assessment matrix based on net zero indicators that can measure climate neutrality, and proposes ways to integrate this framework into existing policy processes. The study was conducted by scientists from Ecologic Institute and funded by the European Climate Foundation. The matrix is available for download.

Lessons Learned to Inform Integrated Approaches for the Renovation and Modernization of the Built Environment – Report
This study formulates possible ways forward in informing integrated approaches for the renovation and modernisation of the building stock and the built environment. The study provides an understanding of how provisions within seven strategic areas and their interaction can be designed and amended to meet the European Union’s long-term target to be climate-neutral by 2050. It provides lessons learned from existing legal and non-legal policy instruments in 15 European Member States, 3 non-EU countries and 5 European regions.
Fit for 2050 – What Should the New EU Action Regulation Look Like? – Article
The EU Climate Action Regulation governs 60 percent of EU emissions. To achieve the climate targets for 2030 and 2050, the upcoming reform of the regulation must be a success, writes Nils Meyer-Ohlendorf in the Tagesspiegel. He makes a number of reform proposals. The article is available online.
Launch of the Blog "Plastics in the Environment" – Blog
With a newly launched blog, Ecologic Institute presents the most exciting, innovative, current and urgent results from the BMBF research focus "Plastics in the Environment". Plastic waste in the environment is a global problem with unforeseeable ecological consequences. Yet we still know far too little about how plastic gets into the environment, how it spreads in rivers, oceans and the soil, and how it affects humans and animals. Together with a journalist, a team from Ecologic Institute reports every two weeks on the findings of the research focus.
50 Years of German Environmental Policy: Ceremonial Event – News
In 1971, the first German environmental programme was adopted by the Federal Government. To mark the anniversary, the German Federal Ministry for Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety invited to the digital event "50 Years of Environmental Programme. A Generation Project", which is available as a video. The event is embedded in a research project in which the Ecologic Institute is reviewing the last 50 years of environmental policy in terms of contemporary history.
Tenant Electricity x 100 – How to Accelerate the Expansion of Prosumerism in Berlin? – Expert Workshop
On 17 June 2021, representatives from Berlin's public administration, business and civil society discussed how to accelerate the expansion of tenant electricity in Berlin in the virtual expert workshop of the "StromNachbarn" project. Practical experience inputs enriched the discussion. The workshop addressed concrete implementation obstacles of the currently practiced tenant electricity model. In addition, attendees discussed possible paths for future technical-economic development of tenant electricity concepts and the redesign of the legal framework. The experts agreed that the framework conditions require fundamental changes at various levels. The presentation slides are available for download.
SPRINT Introductory Event for Stakeholders – Event
The aim of the SPRINT project (Sustainable Plant Protection Transition: A Global Health Approach) is to support the transition towards more sustainable plant protection. This relies on close interaction with stakeholders along the whole supply chain, civil society and regulatory bodies. In SPRINT, Ecologic Institute leads the work on transition pathways and plays a key role in the process of stakeholder engagement. The SPRINT Stakeholder Introductory event, co-organized by Ecologic Institute, took place on 22 June 2021. With 117 participants and a lively discussion in breakout groups, the meeting was a great way to kick-off our exchanges with stakeholders.
- Publications
- Impact of Measures to Reduce Nitrogen Discharge from Agriculture: Results from an Analysis of the Cooperation Model for Drinking Water Protection in NRW – Journal Article
- Measuring Progress towards Climate Neutrality – Report
- Lessons Learned to Inform Integrated Approaches for the Renovation and Modernization of the Built Environment – Report
- Fit for 2050 – What Should the New EU Action Regulation Look Like? – Article
- Launch of the Blog "Plastics in the Environment" – Blog
- Events
- 50 Years of German Environmental Policy: Ceremonial Event – News
- Tenant Electricity x 100 – How to Accelerate the Expansion of Prosumerism in Berlin? – Expert Workshop
- SPRINT Introductory Event for Stakeholders – Event