| Fotolia © Richard Lister
Compliance Checking of the Water Framework Directive and Floods Directive Implementation
- Project
- Duration
The Water Framework Directive (WFD) obliged Member States to develop the first River Basin Management Plans by 2009 and the second River Basin Management Plans by December 2015.
Under its 'Framework contract to provide services to support the development and implementation of EU freshwater policies', the European Commission DG Environment awarded a Specific Contract to a European consortium to provide support in 'Compliance checking of the Water Framework Directive and Floods Directive Implementation'. Ecologic institute is partner in this consortium led by WRc.
The project is split into four main tasks, as follows:
- Support to the Commission in the compliance assessment of the first RBMPs from MS which adopted and reported their plans with delay;
- Assessment of progress on the implementation of the first Programmes of Measures;
- Screening assessment of the draft 2nd River Basin Management Plans and the draft 1st Flood Risk Management Plans to support discussions at the 4th European Water Conference.
- Development of a concept for the assessment of the 2nd River Basin Management Plans and the 1st Flood Risk Management Plans.