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3. RADOST Jahresbericht


3. RADOST Jahresbericht

Annual Report


RADOST consortium (Ed.) 2012: 3. RADOST Jahresbericht. RADOST-Berichtsreihe, Bericht Nr 14. Berlin: Ecologic Institute.

The latest research results on climate change and adaptation along the German Baltic Sea Coast are presented by the RADOST project (Regional Adaptation Strategies for the German Baltic Sea Coast) in its 3rd annual report. They were developed in cooperation with partners in the project region.

In order to support the development of climate change adaptation strategies for the model region along the Baltic Sea Coast, the partners of the RADOST project communicate further relevant research results. The report covers the time period from April 2011 to March 2012 and presents the work within the RADOST modules

  • "Network and Dialogue",
  • "Natural and Engineering Sciences",
  • "Socioeconomic Analysis",
  • "National and European Political Framework/ National and International Exchange" and
  • "Communication and Dissemination of Results".

Selected implementation projects are described in the presentation of the focus topics

  • "Coastal Protection",
  • "Tourism and Beach Management",
  • "Water Management and Agriculture",
  • "Ports and Maritime Economy",
  • "Conservation and Land Use" and
  • "Renewable Energies".

The report is available in German as free download and targets stakeholders in administrations, industry, research institutions and NGOs in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania and Schleswig-Holstein, as well as the general public. It is the fourteenth publication within the RADOST journal series.

As lead partner, Ecologic Institute heads the project RADOST (Regional adaptation measures for the Germany Baltic Sea Coast), which is sponsored for 5 years within the research program "KLIMZUG-climate change in regions" of the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research.

There is great demand for easily understandable scientific information about climate change as well as for transferable examples of adaptation practices.


More content from this project

Karin Beese
Daniel Blobel
Published in
RADOST-journal series, Report No. 14
Published by
96 pp.
Project ID
Table of contents
climate change, adaptation, Baltic Sea coast, stakeholders’ network