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Car Labeling: A Comparison of Case Studies

Fotolia © H-J Paulsen

Car Labeling: A Comparison of Case Studies

São Paulo, Brazil
Max Grünig

Ecologic Institute's Max Grünig participated in a debate on “Automobiles and Consumption: Mobility, Emissions and Energy Efficiency”, organised on February 26, 2013 by the Instituto Brasileiro de Defesa do Consumidor (Brasilian Institute for Consumer Protection) in São Paulo, Brasil. His presentation dealing with "Car Labeling: A Comparison of Case Studies" is available for download.

The presentation [pdf, 1,9 MB, English] includes examples of successful car labels which provide consumers information on fuel economy and CO2 emissions.

Key recommendations for car labels include:

  • avoid information overload,
  • present savings in units that people can intuitively understand, and
  • always provide cost information.

Additionally to this presentation, Max Grünig also spoke about Best Practices in Sustainable Urban Mobility.