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Effectively Using Synergies between Health-Promoting and Environmentally Friendly Nutrition




Effectively Using Synergies between Health-Promoting and Environmentally Friendly Nutrition

Online, Germany
Stephanie Wunder

The 2021 annual conference of German Association of Dietitians has put a focus on sustainability and its relevance for the work for dietitians as well as policy makers. Stephanie Wunder gave a impulse presentation on this topic entitled "Effectively using synergies between health-promoting and environmentally friendly nutrition".

The German Association of Dietitians (VDD), member of the European Federation of the Associations of Dietitians (EFAD) is the only professional association for dietitians in Germany. In the session "Sustainability in Nutrition – from Politics to the Plate", the programme in this year's congress gave special emphasis to the topics of sustainable nutrition, "Planetary Health Diet", the creation of supportive food environments and a suitable policy framework and food political framework conditions.

In her lecture "Effectively using synergies between health-promoting and environmentally friendly nutrition" on 22 April, Stephanie Wunder addressed three questions in particular:

  1. Where does the pressure for action to transform food systems come from?
  2. What are the most important starting points for making effective use of synergies between health-promoting and environmentally friendly nutrition?
  3. What conclusions can be drawn from this for the practical work of nutritionists and dieticians?

The first day of the three-day online congress from 22 to 24 April was attended by already more than 800 participants. Recordings of all lectures are available for registered participants on the congress website.

Presentation on Sustainable Diets at German Congress for Dietitians
Stephanie Wunder
Online, Germany
sustainability, food, food system change, health, nutrition, diet, plant based, dietary shift, meat, food waste, consumer choice