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Transatlantic Perspectives on Integrating Climate Mitigation and Adaptation in Cities

| © Ecologic Institut vlnr: Axum Teferra, Anne Jensen, Max Gruenig, Tüzin Baycan, Andreas Graf

Transatlantic Perspectives on Integrating Climate Mitigation and Adaptation in Cities

Marrakech, Morocco

On 18 November 2016, the ELEEP Network and the POCACITO project hosted an official COP 22 side event in Marrakech on the topic "Transatlantic Perspectives on Integrating Climate Mitigation and Adaptation in Cities".

Cities play a key role in supporting implementation of the Paris Agreement by promoting the co-benefits of climate mitigation and adaptation.

This event presented best practices across E.U. and U.S. cities for integrating policies using a stakeholder-centered approach and discussed the evolving role of cities in a changing political environment. Following a keynote address, the event featured a moderated panel discussion drawing on findings and experiences from ELEEP and the EU research project Post-Carbon Cities of Tomorrow (POCACITO).

Keynote address:

  • Bärbel Höhn, MdB – Green Party, MP German Bundestag, Chair of the Committee on the Environment, Nature Conservancy and Nuclear Safety


  • Tüzin Baycan – Professor of Urban and Regional Planning, Istanbul Technical University
  • Anne Jensen – Senior Researcher, Aarhus University
  • Axum Teferra – Clean Energy Planner, Boston Metropolitan Area Planning Council


  • Max Gruenig – President of Ecologic Institute US / POCACITO Project Coordinator

Launched in fall 2011, the Emerging Leaders in Environmental and Energy Policy Network (ELEEP) is a dynamic, membership-only forum for the exchange of ideas, policy solutions, best-practices and professional development for early and mid-career North American and European leaders working on environmental and energy issues. ELEEP currently has over 100 members, split between North America and Europe. Members debate topics of the day online, meet regularly for study tours and other face-to-face activities and collaborate on transatlantic impact projects. ELEEP is a joint project of Ecologic Institute Berlin, Ecologic Institute US and the Atlantic Council. and is financially supported by the European Union and the Robert Bosch Stiftung among others.

The project Post‐Carbon Cities of Tomorrow – foresight for sustainable pathways towards liveable, affordable and prospering cities in a world context (POCACITO) is a research project funded by the European Union's Seventh Framework Programme for Research, Technological Development. The objective of the project is to facilitate the transition of EU cities to a forecasted sustainable or "post‐carbon" economic model, eventually leading to an evidence‐based EU 2050 post-carbon city roadmap.


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Max Grünig
Andreas Graf
Marrakech, Morocco
Project ID
Climate Change, Mitigation, Adaptation
Europe, USA