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Reaching Out to a Wide Target Group for Food Waste Reduction Measures

Screenshot of the participants and their tool to reduce food waste

Ecologic Institute


Reaching Out to a Wide Target Group for Food Waste Reduction Measures

Stephanie Wunder
Dr. Sylvia Schneider (EfA)
Kristine Görgen (Tafel Deutschland e.V.)
Gülcan Nitsch (Yeşil Çember)
Prof. Dr. Nina Langen (TU Berlin)
Leonie Hasselberg (TU Berlin)

On 31 May 2022, more than 90 actors dealing with food waste reduction in Germany met for an exchange on how to upscale their target audience and reach out to diverse groups of people. The online event was part of the Dialogue Forum "Private Households" that is part of the German Strategy for Food Waste Reduction.

In the beginning of the event, the project team gave an update on current cooperation for evaluating measurements to reduce food waste and on the national Citizen Science "Germany rescues food" which started in the beginning of May. Moreover, the recently published Mapping-report was presented, which explored the existing initiatives and measures to reduce food waste in Germany.

The event was accompanied by three keynote speakers whose work is practically relevant to the topic: Frist, Dr. Sylvia Schneider, founder and chairperson of "Essen für Alle" (EfA) talked about the experiences she and the 70 volunteers of the association have gained in food rescue and education to reduce food waste for more than 25 years. In particular, she also talked about how to reach young people and motivate them to engage with the topic.

Kristine Görgen, Head of Strategy and Policy at Tafel Deutschland e.V., shares the experiences from her work with the Tafel. In her presentation, she talks about the importance of "the right tone" to address people through the work of the voluntary movement. Further, she explains how the Tafel tries to raise awareness for the topic with diverse projects such as food education, school projects, or integration of people from a background other than Germany. She concludes by reporting on the "lessons learned" that focus on a needs-based approach that is adapted to the target group and communicated at eye level.

Gülcan Nitsch, founder of Yeşil Çember (Turkish for "Green Circle") talks about her experiences in the field of intercultural communication, especially with the Turkish and Arab community in Berlin. The goal of the ecological and intercultural non-profit GmbH is to create culturally sensitive and barrier-free access to sustainability topics that reach all people in Germany. Against this background, she explains what needs to be considered in intercultural communication, specifically with regard to sustainability and food, and provides concrete tips for the participants.

A comprehensive documentation of the event is available for download and the presentation and the agenda is available on the Zu gut für die Tonne!-Website.

Online Event of the Dialogue Forum "Private Households" as part of the German Strategy for Food Waste Reduction


More content from this project

Stephanie Wunder
Dr. Sylvia Schneider (EfA)
Kristine Görgen (Tafel Deutschland e.V.)
Gülcan Nitsch (Yeşil Çember)
Prof. Dr. Nina Langen (TU Berlin)
Leonie Hasselberg (TU Berlin)
Marie-Lisa Feller
Stella Diettrich (Slow Food Deutschland e.V.)
Andrea Lenkert-Hörrmann (Slow Food Deutschland e.V.)
Prof. Dr. Nina Langen (TU Berlin)
Leonie Hasselberg (TU Berlin)
Loan Tran (TU Berlin)
Project ID
reduction of food waste, private households, dialogue processes