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Fighting Environmental Crime in Europe and Beyond

| © Palgrave Macmillan

Fighting Environmental Crime in Europe and Beyond

The Role of the EU and Its Member States


Sollund, Ragnhild; Christoph H. Stefes; Anna Rita Germani (Eds.) 2016: Fighting Environmental Crime in Europe and Beyond. The Role of the EU and Its Member States.

The edited volume, Fighting Environmental Crime in Europe and Beyond: The Role of the EU and Its Member States, was published by Palgrave Macmillan in March 2017. The edited volume sums up the findings of EFFACE, a multi-disciplinary and international research project on environmental crime in Europe, funded by the European Union (EU). "European Union Action to Fight Environmental Crime" (EFFACE) was a 40-month research project that included eleven European research institutions and think tanks and was led by Ecologic Institute Berlin. The edited volume consists of six case studies conducted during the project on different types of environmental crime.

EFFACE assessed the impacts of environmental crime as well as effective and feasible policy options for combating it from a multidisciplinary perspective, with a focus on the EU. As part of this project, numerous instances of environmental crime within and outside of the EU were studied and are presented in this volume. This volume is highly innovative in showing not only the many facets of environmental crime, but also how it should be conceptualized and its consequences.

The book "Fighting Environmental Crime in Europe and Beyond" is available for purchase at the Palgrave Macmillan website.

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Ragnhild Sollund
Anna Rita Germani
Published by
236 pp.
978-1-349-95084-3 (Hardcover), 978-1-349-95085-0 (eBook)
Project ID
Table of contents
environmental crime