© Ecologic Institute
Resilient Pathways to Climate Neutrality
Lessons from Member States' long-term climate strategies
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For the EU, the long-term strategy (LTS) produced the vision of a climate neutral future that is at the heart of the European Green Deal. All Member States have the same obligation to produce national LTSs under EU law. A team of researchers has now analysed the state of these documents and their relevance in national policy-making for the first time across the EU. This event presents the most important insights from this analysis and seeks to start a conversation with all relevant stakeholders on how to improve their effective use.
Decision-makers across Europe are looking for an effective policy response to the challenge of creating a climate-friendly, energy-secure and socially just future. Revamping our energy system and transitioning to climate neutrality requires bold and speedy action. The Paris Agreement contains long-term goals and pathways and suggests national long-term strategies (LTSs) as a key tool to inform policy. These strategies chart possible pathways into the future to inform current policy-making.
15:30 Welcome
Matthias Duwe, Head, Climate – Ecologic Institute (Moderator)
15:35 Introduction
Erica Hope, Director Climate Planning & Laws, European Climate Foundation
15:40 A video key-note
Laurence Tubiana, CEO, European Climate Foundation
15:45 Lessons from existing national long-term strategies
Presentation of study results
Eike Velten and Nick Evans, Ecologic Institute
16:05 Perspectives from the institutions
Panel discussion and questions from the audience
- Vicky Pollard, Acting Head of Unit, Foresight, Economic Analysis & Modelling (A.2), DG CLIMA, European Commission (confirmed)
- Gwenaël Podesta, Deputy Head of the Emissions, Projections and Modelling Department, Ministry of Ecological Transition, France (confirmed)
- Katarina Trstenjak, Jožef Stefan Institute (JSI) Slovenia and formerly involved in the LIFE project Climate Path 2050, (invited)
16:55 Closing remarks:
Matthias Duwe, Head, Climate – Ecologic Institute