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Ecologic Institute Science and Policy for a Sustainable World

Book cover titled 'Współczesne Wyzwania Prawa Ochrony Klimatu', edited by Maria Magdalena Kenig-Witkowska, Anna Barczak, and Marcin Stoczkiewicz. The cover has a simple design with a white background and a blue section at the bottom. The publisher's logo, Wolters Kluwer, is visible at the lower left corner.

© Wolters Kluwer Polska, 2024

The German Federal Climate Change Act

Book Section
As an output of the international academic conference "Towards the Polish Climate Protection Act" on 7 September 2022 in Szczecin, an edited volume entitled "Współczesne Wyzwania Prawa Ochony Klimatu" (Contemporary challenges of climate law) was published by Wolters Kluwer Poland. Stephan Sina, Senior Fellow at Ecologic Institute, contributed an essay on the German Federal Climate Change Act in English language. He describes the development and main features of the Act and its revision based on the decision of the Federal Constitutional Court on 24 March 2021, presents lessons learnt and good practices and addresses challenges.
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RESTORE4C Policy Brief Coastal Wetlands


How Can Coastal Wetlands Help Achieve EU Climate Goals?

A Policy Brief from the RESTORE4Cs project

Policy Brief
The first policy brief of the EU-funded RESTORE4Cs project explains the importance of European coastal wetlands in reducing greenhouse gas emissions and removing carbon from the atmosphere, promoting their restoration as a climate mitigation solution.
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Fact sheet detailing the promotion of good agricultural practices in vineyards at St. Emilion, France. It highlights the challenges of pesticide use in vineyards, key objectives such as implementing a holistic environmental program, and the regulatory solutions including compulsory certification.

© SPRINT, 2024

Promoting Good Agricultural Practices in Vineyards, St Emilion, France

Fact Sheet
The vineyards of St. Emilion, France, face significant challenges due to the reliance on pesticides, particularly given the region's susceptibility to mildew. However, the winegrowers of St. Emilion have successfully committed to a sustainable future by implementing stringent environmental regulations and significantly reducing pesticide use. This case study highlights the initiatives and successes achieved in the region, which aims to promote sustainable practices in viticulture.
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promotional poster for the AgriKultur Festival, which will take place in Berlin at the Wriezener Park on September 20-21, 2024. The poster features a stylized carrot designed as a guitar, symbolizing the blend of agriculture and culture. The festival is organized by KOPOS and is supported by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), the Stadt Land Plus initiative, and FONA (Research for Sustainable Development). The website is provided for more information.

© KOPOS project 2024

AgriKultur Festival Berlin 2024

Experience sustainability in urban spaces

Berlin, Germany
In 2024, the KOPOS project, in cooperation with the Ecologic Institute, is launching the successful AgriKultur Festival concept in Berlin! The festival places sustainable agriculture and nutrition in a cultural context and offers a platform for information, learning, enjoyment, celebration, exchange and networking.
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Promotional graphic for an online survey about ideas and solutions for dealing with heavy rainfall in Berlin. The text reads: "Online-Umfrage (inkl. Gewinnspiel). Ideen und Lösungen zum Umgang mit Starkregen in Berlin. TEILNEHMEN UND GEWINNEN!" The background features a close-up image of raindrops on a red umbrella.

Photo: Canva

Help Us to Better Adapt to Heavy Rainfall!

Online survey

Berlin, Germany
The NICHES project is in search of innovative solutions for adapting to extreme weather events such as heavy rainfall. To this end, we are analyzing the effects of heavy rainfall and the effectiveness of adaptation measures in an online survey.
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Ecologic Institute works on key topics

Climate, Energy & Adaptation
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Ecologic Institute: Science and Policy for a Sustainable World

Ecologic Institute conducts inter- and transdisciplinary environmental research and has offices in Berlin and Brussels. In its role as a private, independent organization, Ecologic Institute is dedicated to the preparation of relevant sociopolitical aspects of sustainability research and contributing new knowledge to environmental policy. Innovative research methods, an orientation on practice and a transdisciplinary approach ensure scientific excellent and social relevance. The work done at Ecologic Institute covers the spectrum of environmental topics and includes the integration of environment-related issues into other political spheres.

Ecologic Institute was founded in 1995 and collaborates closely with other European and international bodies, including active participation as a member of the Ecological Research Network (Ecornet). Today, the more than 100 individuals at Ecologic Institute work in a variety of international and interdisciplinary project teams.


Ecornet Logo

Ecologic Institute is a partner in Ecornet, the network of leading non-university, non-profit German research institutes focusing on environmental and sustainability research.

Ecornet.Berlin Logo

Ecologic Institute is a partner in Ecornet Berlin, the research network that conducts transdisciplinary research for a social and ecological metropolis.