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Sharing, developing, and fostering knowledge is essential for the global transition to a more sustainable society. This is why education is a central tenet of Ecologic Institute's mission. Education-based environmental work is international and cross-cultural, bringing together participants from different countries, continents, backgrounds, genders, age groups, and political orientations.

Our staff conceptualize and implement education, training, and capacity-building with activities ranging from education programs with schoolchildren and courses with university students to training for early to mid-career professionals and experts from science, academia, the public sector, journalism, civil society, and business.

Ecologic Institute's transdisciplinary expertise is key to our education approach, facilitating innovative, inclusive, and multifaceted training formats and tools that are implemented both at home and away. Ecologic Institute staff members include university professors and training experts in a variety of fields, ensuring that state-of-the-art research and timely discussions are vital components of our programs.

Examples of educational activities include:

  • Activities with school children: Educating children on environmental topics is the first stop for achieving a more sustainable society. Ecologic Institute has been involved in many activities with school children over the years, with topics ranging from the future of cities and the issue of plastics in the environment to citizen science and ocean literacy.
  • University programmes: Ecologic Institute partners with renowned US universities as a Berlin host of their study abroad programmes, including long-standing collaborations with the University of Colorado at Denver, University of Notre Dame, Duke University, and the University of Maryland.
  • Training and capacity building: Ecologic Institute regularly organises training and capacity-building activities covering the design and implementation of environmental policies. The formats range from focused trainings to summer schools, including the ICAP Summer Schools on Emissions Trading, which have been given in 20 iterations over the last decade.
  • International Study Tours: We regularly lead foreign study tours to Germany as a means of learning first hand about Germany’s energy transition, urban sustainability solutions, political system, and other aspects. Study tours are comprised of international groups of professionals from areas such as policy, journalism, and industry and integrate multiple program formats such as discussion sessions, individual lectures, excursions, and cultural programs.
  • Teaching engagements: A number of our senior staff members teach at universities, including the University of Maryland, Bremen University of Applied Sciences, Braunschweig University of Technology, and the Eberswalde University for Sustainable Development. Staff members also include training experts in disciplines such as mediation, innovative event formats, human resources coaching, and web user practices.
  • Visiting scholars, trainees and interns: We regularly house visiting fellows and scholars, including international Humboldt and Bosch Fellowship recipients. We regularly employ university students for scientific and legal work experience. Ecologic Institute has a thriving 3- year apprenticeship program in a variety of fields, including IT and Events, and is recognized by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Berlin (IHK Berlin). We are also committed to providing students with the opportunity to conduct  a voluntary civil service year in ecology, taking on bright young minds since 2003 (some of whom are still with us today).
  • In-house training and exchange: Ecologic Institute believes in the importance of further education within our institution. Staff are encouraged to take part in a variety of in-house training and exchange formats, including Brown Bag Lunches with external and internal speakers, reading groups, language tandems, and voluntary training courses covering topics such as scientific writing and negotiation training.


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International Development




Matthias Duwe
Head, Climate









Benjamin Görlach
Head, Economics and Policy Assessment
Senior Fellow


Nature-based Solutions and Green Infrastructure

Coastal + Marine





International Development

Nature-based Solutions and Green Infrastructure





Doris Knoblauch
Co-Coordinator Plastics
Coordinator Urban & Spatial Governance
Senior Fellow

Nature-based Solutions and Green Infrastructure




Dr. Benjamin Kupilas
Coordinator Biodiversity
Senior Fellow

Resource Conservation + Circular Economy




Susanne Langsdorf
Coordinator Resource Conservation & Circular Economy
Senior Fellow


Nature-based Solutions and Green Infrastructure




Resource Conservation + Circular Economy

Linda Mederake
Co-Coordinator Plastics

Environmental Law – Ecologic Legal


Coastal + Marine





Arne Riedel, LLM
Coordinator Ecologic Legal
Coordinator Arctic
Senior Fellow

Environmental Law – Ecologic Legal






Dr. Stephan Sina
Senior Fellow
Coordinating In-house Counsel









Dr. Ulf Stein
Coordinator Water Studies
Senior Fellow
Selected Projects for Education
Ecologic Institute supported ICAP and GIZ in the implementation of an advanced training course on ETS design and implementation which took place in the Chinese city of Haikou, 22 to 26 October 2018. From 22 to 26 October 2018, the International Carbon Action... Read more
RECIPES Logo with leaf shape and process flow arrows


How do we take sound decisions on new or emerging technologies? The RECIPES project (REconciling sCience, Innovation and Precaution through the Engagement of Stakeholders) aims to develop new tools and guidelines to ensure the precautionary principle is applied while... Read more

Reconciling Science, Innovation and Precaution through the Engagement of Stakeholders (RECIPES)

Fotolia © K.-U. Häßler
What environmental impacts does the application of chemical pesticides have in private and small gardens, and how can consumers help to avoid these? In this project an online information portal and a brochure were created to answer these questions. Besides the... Read more
©Hendrik Silbermann (ARTWORKs)
This project oversees the organization of workcamps for German youth interested in green professions during vacations in 2016-2018. Participation in the one week long vocational camps in Wangelin, Mecklenburg is free of charge. Themes of the workcamps include the... Read more
All projects on Education
Selected Publications for Education
Engaging the public on science and sustainable consumption: the how-to guide published in the pilot report "A Taste of the Future of the Seas" explains how to organize fun and impactful popular-scientific events, with a special focus on sustainable food. The guide,... Read more

McFarland, Keighley, Jennifer Reck, Alexandra Moormann, Lilian Leupold, Maria Korbizki, Karl Lehmann, Lina Röschel, Stefanie Krzyzniewski, Chiara Mazzetti (2017) Pilotbericht „Ein Geschmack der Zukunft der Meere“. Hrsg. Ecologic Institut gemeinnützige GmbH und Museum für Naturkunde Leibniz-Institut für Evolutions- und Biodiversitätsforschung. Berlin.

Delicately fragranced rose blossoms. Dew drops sparkling on leaves. Buzzing bees, fluttering butterflies and a basket of homegrown fruits and aromatic herbs. Gardening is a sensual experience - a pleasure and a joy. Or, at least, as long as everything goes according to... Read more

Umweltbundesamt (Ed.) 2016: Gartenlust statt Gartenfrust - Praxistipps zum Pflanzenschutz. UBA-Ratgeber Brochure. 32 Pages. Berlin.

Since industrialisation, the average air temperature worldwide has risen by one degree, whereas in the Arctic by five degrees. This leads to rapid changes with serious consequences. This animated explanatory video by the UBA explains what this has to do with us in... Read more

Federal Environment Agency 2018: Spuren in der Arktis. Animated Video. Online:

All publications on Education
Selected Events for Education

Expert Training

On 5 May 2020, the expert workshop "Urban nature-based solutions in Germany – experiences, successes and future challenges" took place online as part of the NATURVATION project. At this workshop, more than 60 experts from policy, administration, practice and research... Read more
| Fotolia © Shenzhen
On 13 December 2017 the China Emissions Exchange and the European Commission hosted a conference in Shenzhen on emissions trading in China and the EU. The conference was organized by Ecologic Institute. The event brought together experts from the world's largest... Read more

Conference:Emissions Trading in China and Europe: Taking Stock, Thinking Ahead, Looking Beyond

Shenzhen, China
How does plastic litter end up in the sea? How much microplastic does our shower scrub contain? Where exactly is the plastic waste in the ocean? What do our rivers have to do with it? And how can I, as an individual living far away from the coast, participate in real... Read more
| Fotolia © Goinyk Volodymyr
Between July and August 2018 this eight-part webinar series brought together Arctic experts, professionals, and students. The webinar series covered four thematic modules: (1) Environmental Sciences, (2) Energy and Resources, (3) International Governance, and (4) Social... Read more

Digital Event:Arctic Summer College 2018

Berlin, Germany and Washington DC, United States
| Fotolia © Goinyk Volodymyr
Between July and August 2017 this nine-part webinar series brought together Arctic experts, professionals and students. The webinar series covered a wide range of topics including the regional impacts of climate change on the Arctic, local challenges such as land-use,... Read more

Digital Event:Arctic Summer College 2017 – Webinar Series

Berlin, Germany and Washington DC, United States
Using a combination of web-based tools, the POLIMP project imparts expert knowledge on international climate negotiations and EU climate policy. Through the distribution of regular surveys to POLIMP's "Expert Response Group," opinions on key topics and recent... Read more

Digital Event:POLIMP Expert Surveys and Webinar Series: Online Tools for Stakeholder Engagement

Berlin, Germany

Summer/Winter Schools


Participants in the 2nd ICAP master's course on emissions trading



In August and September 2017, Ecologic Institute organized the second ICAP Master Course on Emissions Trading in Lisbon (Portugal). The two week-long course brought together 30 experts from emerging economies and developing countries to learn about emissions trading... Read more

Summer School:Second ICAP Advanced Course on Emissions Trading

Lisbon, Portugal
Gruppenbild des ICAP Trainingskurs 2017 in Bangkok
In May 2017, Ecologic Institute organised the 17th ICAP Training Course on Emissions Trading in Bangkok (Thailand). The course brought together experts from emerging economies and developing countries to learn about emissions trading as a tool for climate protection,... Read more

Summer School:ICAP Training Course on Emissions Trading in Bangkok

Bangkok, Thailand
Teilnehmer des ICAP Trainingskurs 2016 in São Paulo
From 3 until 12 May 2016, the 15th ICAP Training Course on Emissions Trading brought together climate policy professionals from Latin America to learn about emissions trading as a tool for climate protection and to discuss the options of implementing such systems... Read more

Summer School:ICAP Training Course on Emissions Trading in São Paulo

São Paulo, Brazil

Training Courses for Journalists

| © Matthias Duwe
Policy makers and environmental groups worldwide are scrambling to prepare for the adoption of a new international climate agreement at the Paris 2015 climate summit in December. However, the very specific language of the UN negotiations and the technical complexity of... Read more
Im Charlemagne-Gebäude der Europäischen Kommission in Brüssel
In December 2019, a new European Commission took office in Brussels, and president Ursula von der Leyen has pledged to put climate policy at the center for the next five years. But how ambitious are the Commission's plans? What is the business sector's take on the new... Read more
Die indische Delegation im Solarpark in Feldheim
A group of 10 leading journalists came to Germany from 27 September to 3 October 2015 in order to explore and discuss German climate and energy policy. Participants were able to speak with representatives from ministries, parliament, think tanks and businesses in Berlin... Read more

Visitors Program:Climate and Energy Policy in Germany – Study Tour for Journalists from India

Berlin, Freiburg and Stuttgart, Germany

Study Tours

| Fotolia © Andrea Izzotti
The EFEX study tour from 25 to 29 June 2018 complements our 2018 International Symposium on Energy Efficiency on 26 June with an in-depth exploration of energy lighthouse projects in the US American capital region. The program includes presentations and field trips on... Read more

Visitors Program:EFEX Study Tour on Energy Efficiency

Washington, DC, United States
Besuch der Reichtagskuppel mit Blick auf Berlin
Shortly before Christmas 2017, decision makers from the Midwest in the USA and Canada took the opportunity to come to Germany and get a feel for the many different facets and recent developments of German energy policy. The group consisted of US representatives from... Read more

Visitors Program:Energy Policy in Germany – Information Tour for Canadian and US American Legislators

Berlin, Freiburg, Germany
Elektromobilität bei Deutsche Post DHL, Bonn © Elena von Sperber
From 15 to 21 October 2017, Ecologic Institute implemented an information visit within the framework of the Visitors Programme of the Federal Republic of Germany titled "Post Cop21" – Climate Policy for 2050. Representatives from ministries, think tanks, NGOs and... Read more

Visitors Program:"Post Cop21" – Climate Policy for 2050

Berlin, Lusatia and Bonn, Germany
Ellhöft Windpark, Schleswig-Holstein © Elena von Sperber
From 18 to 24 June 2017, Ecologic Institute implemented an information visit within the framework of the Visitors Programme of the Federal Republic of Germany on the German Energy Transition for 17 international experts and journalists. Participants were able to speak... Read more

Visitors Program:Green Economy – Opportunities and Challenges of the Energy Transition

Hamburg, Kiel and Schleswig-Holstein, Berlin, Germany
| Exkursion zu den Berliner Wasserbetrieben © Ecologic Institut
A group of 17 representatives from think tanks, policy and business as well as journalists from various European and non-European countries were invited to Germany as part of the Visitors Programme of the Federal Republic of Germany. During their stay, the group... Read more

Visitors Program:Greentech (made) in Germany

Berlin, Leipzig, Freiberg, Germany
Frohe Festtagswünsche vom Weihnachtsmarkt in Düsseldorf
A group of 12 decision makers from the Midwest in the USA came to Germany from 15 until 21 November 2015 in order to explore and discuss German energy policy and aspects of structural change in former industrial and coal regions. Participants were able to speak with... Read more

Visitors Program:Energy Policy and Structural Change in Germany – Study Tour for State Senators and Representatives of the US Midwest to Germany

Berlin, Düsseldorf, Cologne, Germany
Die Gruppe im energieautarken Ort Feldheim
Where do Canada and Germany stand in the field of renewable energies and energy efficiency? Which initiatives and projects are leading the way? Who is driving development – and how can Canada profit from Germany’s experiences? These and other questions framed the... Read more

Visitors Program:The Energy Transition in Germany – Canadian-German Study Tour

Berlin, Hamburg, Feldheim, Germany
From 24 to 28 November 2014, Ecologic Institute implemented a study trip for 8 members of the South African Energy Committee. Participants were able to meet and discuss with representatives from ministries, think tanks, NGOs and business representatives in Berlin and... Read more

Visitors Program:The Energy Transition in Germany: Visitors Program for Members of the South African Energy Committee

Berlin und Hamburg, Germany

Citizen Science

All events on Education
Selected Presentations for Education

Lectures and Seminars

© Rolf Schulten
On 4 November 2019, Dr. Stephan Sina, Senior Fellow at Ecologic Institute, held a lecture on "Climate Change Law – Overview of the Legal Frameworks at the International, European and National Level" at the Berlin School of Economics and Law. The lecture... Read more
© Christos Georghiou |
Ecologic Institute was asked by IASS to give a lecture on "Legal aspects of big data in the energy sector" at the ENavi Summer School 2019 on Digitalisation in the Energy Transition. Its participants consisted of persons with a strong interest in... Read more

Lecture:Legal Aspects of Big Data in the Energy Sector – Summer School Lecture

Potsdam, Germany
Doris Knoblauch (Ecologic Institut)
In the winter term 2018/2019 Doris Knoblauch, Senior Fellow at Ecologic Institute, organized the seminar "Think Tank Policy Consulting" at the Otto Suhr Institute (OSI) of the Free University Berlin. It was the first time that this seminar was held by an... Read more

Lecture:Ecologic University Course on Think Tanks Policy Consulting (2018/2019)

Berlin, Germany
Präsentation "Plastik-Governance"
On 30 November 2018, Linda Mederake, Junior Researcher at Ecologic Institute, presented the Institute's activities in the field of plastics governance to a group of students from the International Degree Program Political Management (B.A.) at Hochschule Bremen, City... Read more

Lecture:The Governance of Plastics

Ecologic Institute, Berlin, Germany
Holger Gerdes, Ecologic Institut
During the summer semester 2012, the Research Group Ecosystem Services organises a course on "Ecosystem Services and Land Use" at the Humboldt Universität zu Berlin (HU Berlin). The course is geared toward Bachelor's students in agriculture and horticulture. In this... Read more

Lecture:Ecosystem Services and Land Use - University Course (2012)

Berlin, Germany

Activities with School Children

On 29 May 2019, Doris Knoblauch and Linda Mederake, both scientific researchers at Ecologic Institute, were guest "professors" at the Nürti Üni, the schoolchildren's university of the Nürtingen Primary School in Berlin-Kreuzberg. They held a lecture on "Plastics Crisis ... Read more

Expert Presentation

© 2019 Cairo Climate Talks (CCT)
Environmental journalism has always been a cross-cutting topic. There are journalists in many countries who specialise in environmental topics. However, environmental topics mostly do not have their own department at media outlets. Hence, publishing such media pieces... Read more

Panel discussion:The Role of Social Media in Communicating Climate Change – 61th Cairo Climate Talks

Cairo, Egypt
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