Culture + Ecology
Cultural ecology considers the special design of the relationship between humans and nature due to cultural achievements. If culture becomes the subject of ecological research, the focus shifts away from natural environmental problems – such as climate change – towards the factors that influence the knowledge, perspectives, and behavior of individuals, groups, institutions, and organizations.
Culture can be defined as explicit and implicit patterns of behavior coupled with ideas and, in particular, the associated values. Ecologic Institute's research work addresses many aspects of the complex issue of cultural ecology, including the range of human behaviors and actions in policy- and decision-making, the economy, technology, the media, and social interactions in general regarding pathways to sustainable decision-making and transitions.
Team members have specific expertise in perceptions, knowledge, and practices related to climate change mitigation and adaptation, particularly in coastal and marine areas. Moreover, the cultural ecology team has gained strong competencies in scientific communication and knowledge exchange within applied research.
Selected Projects for Culture + Ecology
Innovation in Climate Services Provision (INNOVA)
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Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), Germany
Reducing Nutrient Loadings from Agricultural Soils to the Baltic Sea via Groundwater and Streams (Soils2Sea)
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Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), Germany Baltic Organisations' Network for Funding Science EEIG (BONUS EEIG), Finland
Resilience-Increasing Strategies for Coasts – toolKIT (RISC-KIT)
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European Commission, Directorate-General Research & Innovation (DG Research & Innovation), International
Bottom-Up Climate Adaptation Strategies for a Sustainable Europe (BASE)
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European Commission, Directorate-General Research & Innovation (DG Research & Innovation), International
Regional Adaptation Strategies for the German Baltic Sea Coast (RADOST)
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Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), Germany
Selected Publications for Culture + Ecology
Chabay, I.; Koch, L.; Martinez, G.; Scholz, G. Influence of Narratives of Vision and Identity on Collective Behavior Change. Sustainability 2019, 11, 5680.
Martinez, Grit. "Let's Say It in Their Own Words," edited by Katrin Kleemann and Jeroen Oomen, RCC Perspectives: Transformations in Environment and Society 2019, no. 4, 105–14.
Martinez, G., Armaroli, C., Costas, S., Harley, D. M., Paolisso, M., (2018), Experiences and results from interdisciplinary collaboration: Utilizing qualitative information to formulate disaster risk reduction measures for coastal regions, Coastal Engineering,
Grit Martinez and Michael J. Paolisso 2015: "Cultural Dynamics of Adaptation to Climate Change: An Example from the East Coast of the US", in: Bernd Sommer (ed.): Cultural Dynamics of Climate Change and the Environment in Northern America. [Climate and Culture 3]. Leiden: Brill, 304-332.
Costas S., Ferreira ,O., Martinez, G., Why do we decide to live with risk at the coast? In: Ocean and Coastal Management, available online 30 May 2015, In Press.
Bray, Dennis and Grit Martinez 2014: “Climate-change lore and its implications for climate science: Post-science deliberations?”. Futures, Vol. 66, No. February 2015, 54-69.
Petra Mahrenholz et. al. 2016: Optionen zur Weiterentwicklung von Anpassungsstrategien. in: Brasseur, Guy P., Jacob, Daniela, Schuck-Zöller, Susanne (Hrsg.) 2016: Klimawandel in Deutschland. Springer-Verlag: Heidelberg.
Martinez, Grit; Peter Fröhle and Hans-Joachim Meier (eds.) 2014: Social Dimension of Climate Change Adaptation in Coastal Regions. Findings from Transdisciplinary Research. [Klimawandel in Regionen zukunftsfähig gestalten 5]. Munich: oekom Verlag.
Martinez, Grit; Orbach, Mike; Frick, Fanny; Donargo, Alexandra, Ducklow, Kelsey; Morison, Nathalie 2014: "The cultural context of climate change adaptation: Cases from the U.S. East Coast and the German Baltic Sea Coast", in: Grit Martinez; Hans-Joachim Meier and Peter Fröhle (eds.): Social Dimensions of Climate Change Adaptation in Coastal Regions - Findings from Transdisciplinary Research. Munich: oekom verlag, 85-103.
Caroline Fredriksson, Grit Martinez, Magnus Larson, and Beate Feldmann Eellend, Using Historical Storms for Flood Risk Management: The 1872 Storm in South Sweden, In: Lakhani, Vikas, and Eveline de Smalen, eds. "Sites of Remembering: Landscapes, Lessons, Policies," RCC Perspectives: Transformations in Environment and Society 2018, DOI:
Fredriksson; C., Feldmann Eellend, B., Larson; M., Martinez, G., The role of historical storm events in risk analysis. A study of the coastal flood events in 1872 and 1904 along the South and East Coast of Scania, Sweden, Vatten, Journal of Water Management and Research, pp 73:93 – 108, Lund 2017
Stelljes, N.; Martinez G.; McGlade, K. (2017). Introduction to the RISC-KIT Web Based Management Guide for DRR in European Coastal Zones. RISC-KIT Project.
Martinez, Grit and Mike K. Orbach 2014: "Küstenschutz – Europa und USA im Vergleich", in: Heike Leitschuh et al. (eds.): Jahrbuch Ökologie 2015. Re-Naturierung. Stuttgart: S. Hirzel Verlag, 214-222.
Ostendorf, Yasmine 2017: Creative Environment. A guide to art and sustainability initiatives in Berlin. Berlin: Ecologic Institute.
Selected Events for Culture + Ecology
Workshop:Social Sciences and Humanities in Marine and Coastal Research
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- Berlin, Germany
Conference:Sustainable Ecosystem Governance under Changing Climate and Land Use in the Baltic Sea Region – 3rd BONUS Symposium
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- Gdansk, Poland
Dinner Dialogue:Climate Change, the Science Policy Interface and Coastal Zone Management
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Workshop:A Pledge for Improving Transboundary Water Management Practices amongst Polish and Russian Authorities
- Date
- Location
- Olztyn, Poland
Selected Presentations for Culture + Ecology
Speech:On the Way to Demand Driven Climate Services
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- Pune, India
For the Salon Sophie Charlotte 2020, Julius Hübener, graduate of the Beuth University of Applied Sciences, brought Ed Hawkins' "Warming Stripes" as an artistic light installation to Berlin's Gendarmenmarkt under the direction of Prof. Susanne Auffermann.
|Photo: BBAW, Judith Affolter
Panel discussion: Dr. Camilla Bausch on the Power of Politics and Pictures in the Climate Debate at the Salon Sophie Charlotte on "Images of the World"
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- Berlin, Germany
Speech:History for a Sustainable Future | 8th Biennial Conference
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- Versailles, France
Chairing:A Practical Illustration of the Human Dimension in Coastal Systems and its Drivers for Change
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- Location
- Bremen, Germany
Panel discussion:Sustainability Transitions: What is the stake of cultural conventions?
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- Manchester, United Kingdom
Speech:The Influence of Local Cultural Values on the Governance of Adaptation
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- Location
- Hamburg, Germany
Chairing:Why Do Societies Adapt the Way They Do?
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- Location
- Copenhagen, Denmark
Panel discussion:The Most Crucial Mechanisms and Phenomena in the Soils and Ground-Waters and in the Communities – Soils2Sea
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- Turku, Finland
Speech:Everyone on Board? – Climate Change Adaptation as a Holistic Societal Challenge
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- Location
- Hamburg, Germany
Chairing:RADOST in Exchange with Coastal Planners in the USA
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- Charleston, SC, United States