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Ensuring the health of ecosystems and the species contained therein is vital to ensuring societal well-being and a sustainable economic recovery. Yet many of these ecosystems are threatened by human-induced pressures, including pollution, habitat degradation, and urbanization, as well as by climate change. Ecologic Institute works to safeguard biodiversity against these and other threats through its activities. Specific contributions include policy support (e.g. policy assessments, recommendation provisioning, data collection, and analysis) as well as activities to increase societal awareness, capacities, and engagement. The team further supports the delivery of the Sustainable Development Goals and the mainstreaming of biodiversity considerations into other sectoral policies, such as water, agriculture, and climate. Team members have specific expertise in the EU Biodiversity Strategy and Birds and Habitats Directives, Natura 2000 management, and the global UN Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD).

Specifically, Ecologic Institute supports, for example, the effective implementation of environmental policies related to biodiversity, the improvement of coherence and quality of data use or the integration of socio-cultural ecosystem services into green urban planning. Another focus is the research and use of the multifunctional potential of green and blue infrastructure for biodiversity and the provision of ecosystem services.




International Development


Nature-based Solutions and Green Infrastructure

Natalia Burgos Cuevas
Coordinator International Development



Nature-based Solutions and Green Infrastructure

International Development


Land Use



McKenna Davis
Coordinator Nature-based Solutions
Senior Fellow

Environmental Law – Ecologic Legal



Nature-based Solutions and Green Infrastructure


Felix Dengler
Data Protection Officer


Coastal + Marine

Nature-based Solutions and Green Infrastructure

Gregory Fuchs
Co-Coordinator Coastal and Marine



Land Use



Holger Gerdes
Coordinator Bioeconomy
Senior Fellow

Coastal + Marine



Nature-based Solutions and Green Infrastructure

Fenja Kroos

Nature-based Solutions and Green Infrastructure




Dr. Benjamin Kupilas
Coordinator Biodiversity


Nature-based Solutions and Green Infrastructure

Coastal + Marine

Land Use



Resource Conservation + Circular Economy




Coastal + Marine


Nature-based Solutions and Green Infrastructure

Julia Maund
International Fellow




Land Use



Coastal + Marine

Selected Projects for Biodiversity
Fotolia © T. Lieder
The goal of the European Environment Agency's European Topic Centre on Biological Diversity (ETC-BD) is to collect and monitor data on biodiversity as well as issues and ecological pressures related to biodiversity. This data is used to establish the state of Europe's... Read more

European Topic Center on Biological Diversity (ETC/BD) 2014-2018

Ecologic Institute, as part of a pan-European consortium led by NEEMO, is supporting the European Commission in a four-year framework contract by monitoring LIFE+ projects and contributing to communication about the LIFE programme and other linked activities. The main... Read more

Framework Contract to Monitor LIFE Projects and Support Communication about the LIFE Programme

The European Birds and Habitats Directives – jointly referred to as the Nature Directives (ND) – are central regulatory instruments to achieve the 2030 EU Biodiversity Strategy's targets on protecting and restoring nature. The Fitness Check evaluation by the... Read more
| © Patrick Lauffs |
The EU project “Implementation of the EU’s Action Plan for nature, people and the economy” responded to the findings of the EU Nature Directives’ Fitness Check and contributed to the improvement of the Nature Directives implementation. It has supported the Commission in... Read more

Implementation of the EU's Action Plan for Nature, People and the Economy

Green and Blue infrastructure (GBI) in cities holds large potential to effectively address emerging global challenges, such as climate change impacts, increasing urbanisation and declining access to nature, as it can deliver multiple societal, ecological and economic... Read more
| Fotolia © Gina Sanders
There are many synergies between socio-economic priorities and biodiversity objectives, with varying degrees of evidence to support those connections. This project, led by IEEP, focuses on these synergies in the EU Member States and explores what the EU can do via its... Read more

Linking Biodiversity to National Economic and Social Priorities in the EU Member States

Knowledge, Assessment, and Management for AQUAtic Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services aCROSS EU policies (AQUACROSS) aims to support EU efforts to protect aquatic biodiversity and ensure the provision of aquatic ecosystem services. Funded by Europe's Horizon 2020... Read more
Fotolia©Sascha Burkard
The NetBiome-CSA project aimed at extending and strengthening research partnerships and cooperation for smart and sustainable management of tropical and subtropical biodiversity in the EU’s outermost regions (ORs) and overseas countries and territories (OCTs). Ecologic... Read more
| Fotolia © Georges Lievre
This project was carried out by Ecologic Institute and UCL Centre for Law and the Environment for the EU's Committee of the Regions (CoR). It informed the CoR's ex-post Territorial Impact Assessment on Natura 2000 and the EU Birds and Habitats Directives in light of the... Read more

Implementation of Natura 2000 and the Habitats and Birds Directives

All projects on Biodiversity
Selected Publications for Biodiversity
EEA Technical report
On 20 May 2015, the European Environment Agency (EEA) released its State of Nature in the EU technical report, representing the EU's most comprehensive assessment to date of the status and trends of the EU's birds, habitats and non-bird species. The report is... Read more

EEA, 2015: State of nature in the EU. Results from reporting under the nature directives 2007–2012, Technical report No 02/2015, European Environment Agency, Copenhagen.

This FAQ note presents the links between the Birds and Habitats Directives and the Nitrates Directive. The FAQ note specifies the legislations’ objectives, highlight the interactions between both areas of legislation, and points to the opportunities for greater... Read more

European Commission (ed.) 2019: FAQ note on the links between the Nature Directives and the Nitrates Directive.

The time to meet the next target to halt the loss of biodiversity in the EU by 2020 is approaching. Thus, it is a time to take stock of the successes and failures. In response, Ecologic Institute contributed to a study for the DG Environment on "Identifying the drivers... Read more

Tucker, G, Stuart, T, Naumann, S, Stein, U, Landgrebe-Trinkunaite, R and Knol, O (2019) Study on identifying the drivers of successful implementation of the Birds and Habitats Directives. Report to the European Commission, DG Environment on Contract ENV.F.1/FRA/2014/0063, Institute for European Environmental Policy, Brussels.

This brief highlights the links between EU policy objectives and global targets for sustainable development, centring on aquatic ecosystems. It describes current research within the EU Horizon 2020 project AQUACROSS (Knowledge, Assessment and Management for AQUAtic... Read more

AQUACROSS consortium 2016: Managing aquatic biodiversity: from local to global – an EU perspective. Introducing the EU research project AQUACROSS.

As part of the Horizon 2020 project AQUACROSS, Ecologic Institute and consortium members have published an article in the peer-reviewed journal Ambio examining the potential of Ecosystem-Based Management as an integrative policy concept for improving the integration of... Read more

Rouillard, J., Lago, M., Abhold, K. et al. 2018: Protecting aquatic biodiversity in Europe: How much do EU environmental policies support ecosystem-based management? Ambio (47)1. doi:10.1007/s13280-017-0928-4

Freshwater ecosystems in the Swiss plateau are threatened by multiple stressors that deteriorate water quality and hydromorphology. To restore these ecosystems and stop the biodiversity decline, multiple management measures will be implemented over the next decades. We... Read more

Kuemmerlen, Mathias et al. 2018: Case Study 7 Report: Biodiversity Management for Rivers of the Swiss Plateau. Eawag, Ecologic Institute, University of Liverpool: Dübendorf, Berlin, Liverpool.

Kaphengst, Timo and Christiane Gerstetter (2015). Addressing Multiple Values of Biodiversity in Development Cooperation - Policy Brief January 2015. Berlin: Ecologic Institute. ... Read more

Kaphengst, Timo and Christiane Gerstetter (2015). Addressing Multiple Values of Biodiversity in Development Cooperation - Policy Brief January 2015. Berlin: Ecologic Institute.

This study collects and analyses the information from the 28 Member States and their regions and cities on the implementation of the EU Birds and Habitats Directive and management of Natura 2000. Desk-based research including a review of case law were employed to gather... Read more

Ecologic Institute and UCL Centre for Law and the Environment (2015): The Implementation of the Natura 2000, Habitats Directive 92/43/ECC and Birds Directive 79/409/ECC (Preparation for an ex-post territorial impact assessment).

The EU overseas entities are well-known hotspots of terrestrial, freshwater, and marine biodiversity. This report presents the result of a survey and anlysis of studies on the value of ecosystem services and biodiversity in the EU overseas entities. It includes... Read more

Gerdes, Holger; Zoritza Kiresiewa; Manuel Lago et. al. 2014: The value of biodiversity and ecosystem services in the EU’s Outermost Regions and Overseas Countries and Territories.

All publications on Biodiversity
Selected Events for Biodiversity
AQUACROSS Final Conference - ©
On 10 and 11 October 2018, the AQUACROSS Final Conference on "Ecosystem-Based Management for the Protection of Aquatic Biodiversity – Practice and Lessons Learnt" took place in Brussels. AQUACROSS project team members presented different tools and results on aquatic... Read more
| Fotolia © gina sanders
Reconciling economic priorities with biodiversity conservation remains a key challenge for EU Member States in their efforts to pursue sustainable growth. A workshop on "Linking Biodiversity to National Economic and Social Priorities in EU Member States" was... Read more

Workshop:Linking Biodiversity to Economic and Social Priorities – Regional Workshop

Berlin, Germany
Deutsche ParlamentarierInnen diskutieren im Naturkundemuseum die Biodiversitätspolitik.
The Federal Republic of Germany is bound to a number of environmental agreements. At the supranational level, it is committed to the biodiversity objectives of the European Union (EU).  Concerning Germany, the Federal Government adopted a national biodiversity strategy... Read more
All events on Biodiversity
Selected Presentations for Biodiversity
In our age, scientific knowledge is increasing rapidly – while biodiversity is simultaneously decreasing rapidly. Both practitioners and scientists agree that better applicable knowledge and the steps based on this knowledge that can be implemented in real life are... Read more
At the 2018 UN Biodiversity Conference, Ecologic Institute's Hugh McDonald and Sandra Naumann presented and discussed Ecologic work on nature-based solutions and managing aquatic biodiversity. The UN Biodiversity Conference (CBD COP 14) took place from 13 to 29 November... Read more

Speech:Nature-based Solutions and Ecosystem-based Aquatic Biodiversity Management

Sharm el Sheikh, Egypt
Katrina Abhold und Lina Röschel, Ecologic Institut
Is the existing EU policy framework fit to protect and restore marine biodiversity? Could an upstream approach such as the utilization of ecosystem-based management be the key to coordinating environmental policies? At the Future Oceans conference titled "Advances in... Read more
All presentations on Biodiversity