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Melanie Kemper


Melanie Kemper

MA (Information and Knowledge Management)
Diplom-Ingenieurin (Landscape Planning)

Head of Knowledge Management & Web Design


Melanie Kemper is the Head of Knowledge Management & Web Design at Ecologic Institute. She works in the domains of environmental communication, science communication, information architecture, user group analysis, internet usability, interface design, and infographics for knowledge transfer. She speaks German, English, French and Spanish.

Melanie manages projects that aim at designing and implementing knowledge bases and websites containing environmental policy information for special target groups. She provides website advice, especially on user requirements, internet usability, database content management, the structuring and visualisation of information as well as web writing. Melanie serves as the link between the scientific and technical staff at Ecologic Institute. She also develops project websites that serve public relations as well as project management purposes. In addition, Melanie is responsible for the development of Ecologic Institute's websites.

From January 2001 until August 2006, Melanie founded, developed and headed the Ecologic Events Team. There her role was to design, prepare and co-ordinate international environmental policy events.

Prior to this, she worked for the Carl Duisberg Society (now GIZ) and the UFE Solar GmbH on Tenerife, Canary Islands. During her studies, she worked with the European Policy Coordination of Deutscher Naturschutzring, Unternehmensvereinigung Solarwirtschaft (now Bundesverband Solarwirtschaft) and the Environmental Agency of Gran Canaria, Spain. In addition, she worked in Paris, France for one year and performed a six-month internship with Greenpeace USA in San Francisco.

From 2008 until 2011, Melanie participated part-time in the Master Study Program Information and Knowledge Management at the Faculty of Media, Information and Design of the University of Applied Sciences and Arts, Hannover. In her master's thesis she developed a blended learning concept on infographics for knowledge communication in international environmental policy. Until 2000, she studied Landscape Planning at the Technical University Berlin, where she focused on environmental policy, environmental communication and public relations. Melanie Kemper wrote her master's thesis on technology diffusion, specifically investigating the case of solar-thermal water heaters in the Canary Islands [pdf, 880 kB, German].

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Selected projects by Melanie Kemper

© ZirTeNet Project 2024

With ZirTeNet, Ecologic Institute supports the networking and coordination of sixteen research and innovation projects funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) under the programme "Resource-efficient circular economy – circular textiles"... Read more

© Kemper 2023 - landwirtschaftlich genutzte Niederung bei Meyenburg in der Prignitz


Peatland protection and rewetting play a crucial role in climate protection in Brandenburg, as emissions from Brandenburg's drained peatlands need to be reduced. In March 2023, the Brandenburg cabinet adopted a peatland protection program. This program builds on the... Read more

© Sandra Naumann

Peatlands are ecosystems for a variety of specialised plant and animal species and serve as important natural carbon reservoirs. They also have a regulating effect on the water and nutrient balance and a cooling evaporation effect, which is important for the local and... Read more

Volodymyr Hryshchenko |

The project "Information and teaching materials for an environmentally conscious use of pharmaceuticals", led by Ecologic Institute, aimed to promote an environmentally responsible use of human pharmaceuticals and to anchor the topic of pharmaceuticals and the... Read more

Ecologic Institut

With the aim of achieving "good ecological status" in all water bodies by 2015, the Water Framework Directive requires Member States to put more emphasis on hydromorphological issues and watercourse connectivity for the conservation and restoration of fish populations.... Read more


The KOPOS project is funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). Its goal is to establish regional supply structures in order to increasingly reconnect urban and rural areas and to practice environmentally friendly management. In the project... Read more
| Fotolia © Christian Schulz
In the framework of the scientific accompanying research (PlastikNet) of the research focus "Plastics in the Environment – Sources • Sinks • Solutions" (Plastik in der Umwelt – Quellen • Senken • Lösungsansätze) Ecologic Institute coordinated 20 joint research projects,... Read more

Project Management


© Kemper 2023 - landwirtschaftlich genutzte Niederung bei Meyenburg in der Prignitz


Peatland protection and rewetting play a crucial role in climate protection in Brandenburg, as emissions from Brandenburg's drained peatlands need to be reduced. In March 2023, the Brandenburg cabinet adopted a peatland protection program. This program builds on the... Read more

Volodymyr Hryshchenko |

The project "Information and teaching materials for an environmentally conscious use of pharmaceuticals", led by Ecologic Institute, aimed to promote an environmentally responsible use of human pharmaceuticals and to anchor the topic of pharmaceuticals and the... Read more

Ecologic Institut

With the aim of achieving "good ecological status" in all water bodies by 2015, the Water Framework Directive requires Member States to put more emphasis on hydromorphological issues and watercourse connectivity for the conservation and restoration of fish populations.... Read more
©Hendrik Silbermann (ARTWORKs)
This project oversees the organization of workcamps for German youth interested in green professions during vacations in 2016-2018. Participation in the one week long vocational camps in Wangelin, Mecklenburg is free of charge. Themes of the workcamps include the... Read more
| Bob Nichols / Photo courtesy of USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service., via Wikimedia Commons
Residues of veterinary medicines (VETs) can increasingly be detected in soil and water and are becoming the focus of scientific and public debate. This project created information and teaching materials for veterinarians and farmers, in order to make them aware of how... Read more
Fotolia © K.-U. Häßler
What environmental impacts does the application of chemical pesticides have in private and small gardens, and how can consumers help to avoid these? In this project an online information portal and a brochure were created to answer these questions. Besides the... Read more
World Café Workshop
The international Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals (also known as CMS or Bonn Convention) aims to conserve terrestrial, aquatic, and avian migratory species throughout their migration routes. All contracting Parties designate National... Read more

Convention on Migratory Species: Manual and e-community

Wissenstransfer in Bergregionen
Global change holds many risks for European mountain regions. Melting glaciers, changes in permafrost and vegetation, as well as political, economic and cultural globalisation present dangers for mountain populations. Numerous research projects have produced valuable... Read more

Mountain Sustainability: Transforming Research into Practice (mountain.TRIP)


Project Contribution


© ZirTeNet Project 2024

With ZirTeNet, Ecologic Institute supports the networking and coordination of sixteen research and innovation projects funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) under the programme "Resource-efficient circular economy – circular textiles"... Read more

© Sandra Naumann

Peatlands are ecosystems for a variety of specialised plant and animal species and serve as important natural carbon reservoirs. They also have a regulating effect on the water and nutrient balance and a cooling evaporation effect, which is important for the local and... Read more


The KOPOS project is funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). Its goal is to establish regional supply structures in order to increasingly reconnect urban and rural areas and to practice environmentally friendly management. In the project... Read more
Ostseeküste | © Ecologic Institut
The aim of the project is to provide technical support and assistance for the tasks of the Federal Environment Agency (UBA) in implementing the EU Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) and the necessary cooperation on a regional, national and EU level. As a... Read more
| Fotolia © Christian Schulz
In the framework of the scientific accompanying research (PlastikNet) of the research focus "Plastics in the Environment – Sources • Sinks • Solutions" (Plastik in der Umwelt – Quellen • Senken • Lösungsansätze) Ecologic Institute coordinated 20 joint research projects,... Read more
Across the globe, nearly 30% of food is wasted throughout the agrifood supply chain. REFRESH ("Resource Efficient Food and dRink for the Entire Supply cHain") was an EU Horizon 2020 funded project taking action against food waste. Twenty-six partners from 12... Read more

Resource Efficient Food and dRink for the Entire Supply cHain (REFRESH)

| Fotolia © danimages
Global demand for minerals is growing rapidly, driven by rapid population growth, urbanisation and an increasingly diverse range of technical applications. Global material supply chains linking the extraction, transport and processing stages of raw materials have become... Read more

Global Material Flows and Demand-supply Forecasting for Mineral Strategies (MinFuture)

How can climate policies be designed, what impacts do they have and what other options are there? These are important questions to stakeholders and policy-makers. The project POLIMP aims at making answers to these issues more easily accessible and understandable. To... Read more

Mobilizing and Transferring Knowledge on post-2012 Climate Policy Implications (POLIMP)

| © Emilio González-Sánchez
This project, led by Ecologic Institute, aims to take stock of existing soil policy instruments in the EU in order to identify gaps in protection and to support the decision-making process for further policy action. Collaborating closely with experts from 28 EU Member... Read more

Updated Inventory and Assessment of Soil Protection Policy Instruments in EU Member States

Selected publications by Melanie Kemper
Screenshot of a website about circular textiles. The header displays the title 'Zirkuläre Textilien' in blue and black. Below, a navigation bar includes links to 'Startseite,' 'Verbundprojekte,' 'News,' 'Veranstaltungen,' and an 'English' option. The main section contains a headline 'Zirkuläre Textilien,' a description of a funding initiative for circular economy in the textile sector, and bullet points outlining key focus areas. On the left, there is an image of a textile production process.

© Ecologic Institute, 2024

Ecologic Institute designed and developed the project website "Circular Textiles" within the networking and transfer project of the funding program "Resource-efficient circular economy – circular sustainable textiles: development of holistic, practical solutions for... Read more

Ecologic Institute (2024): Zirkuläre Textilien. Website. URL:

Cover des Teilberichts

Ecologic Institut 2024

Kemper, Melanie; Elisa Thomaset und Jennifer Reck 2024: Von Niederungsmanagement bis Versumpfung: Kommunikation zur Umsetzung von Moorschutz. Medienresonanz- und Kommunikationsanalyse in den moorreichen deutschen Bundesländern. Ecologic Institut, Berlin. Unpublished.... Read more

Kemper, Melanie; Elisa Thomaset und Jennifer Reck 2024: Von Niederungsmanagement bis Versumpfung: Kommunikation zur Umsetzung von Moorschutz. Medienresonanz- und Kommunikationsanalyse in den moorreichen deutschen Bundesländern. Ecologic Institut, Berlin. Unpublished.


© German Environment Agency, 2024

Pharmacies can order this decorative wall calendar free of charge and give it as a promotional gift to their customers. The calendar is designed as a year-independent birthday calendar in DIN A4. Each month, attractive, large photo motifs and short texts focus on a... Read more

Umweltbundesamt 2024: Arzneimittel und Umwelt. Geburtstagskalender. Online:

Cover of the Fact sheet "Fischschutz- und Fischabstiegsmaßnahmen - Praxisbeispiele im Überblick" with a site map and the key messages

© Forum Fischschutz und Fischabstieg

This fact sheet introduces the "Atlas Fischschutz & Fischabstieg" and its contents. The fact sheet "Fischschutz- und Fischabstiegsmaßnahmen – Praxisbeispiele im Überblick (Fish protection and downstream fish migration measures – Practical examples at a glance)" is... Read more

Keuneke, Rita et al. 2022: Fischschutz- und Fischabstiegsmaßnahmen – Praxisbeispiele im Überblick. Atlas für den Wissenstransfer zu Fischschutz und Fischabstieg. Ingenieurbüro Floecksmühle GmbH, Umweltbundesamt: Aachen, Dessau-Roßlau.

The main objective of the platform is to provide organisational support for the German Roundtable on Marine Litter and its working groups. In addition, the public part of the platform serves public relations work and the bundling of information on marine litter. The... Read more

Umweltbundesamt 2019: Runder Tisch Meeresmüll. Internet platform. URL:

Cover of the publication "Our brooks and rivers". Background image shows a restored river basin.

© Umweltbundesamt

This brochure provides insights into the contents of the Federal Environment Agency's online information platform "River restoration". The aim of the platform and this brochure is to motivate and support potential actors for increased implementation of river restoration... Read more

Federal Environment Agency (ed.) 2020: Unsere Bäche und Flüsse: renaturieren – entwickeln – naturnah unterhalten. Compiled by Lamberty G., Kemper M. und Naumann S., Dessau-Roßlau.

In 2019, the European research project REFRESH has come to an end. The video provides an overview of the food waste situation in the EU explaining the most relevant challenges and how these have been addressed by the project with regard to three focus areas: a)... Read more

Ecologic Institute 2019: Research Against Food Waste. REFRESH. Video. Online:

This illustration visualizes the processes of degradation, runoff, accumulation, uptake and infiltration of veterinary drugs in the environment. Active substances from veterinary medicines behave very differently depending on the substance and location properties. While... Read more

Umweltbundesamt (2017): Tierarzneimittel in der Umwelt: Abbau, Verlagerung und Verbleib. Interactive Infographic. Online:


Screenshot of the German Environment Agency (Umweltbundesamt) website section on "Human pharmaceuticals and the environment." The page features navigation options for topics such as "For patients," "For doctors and pharmacists," "Scientific background," and "Downloads." Below, an infographic shows a crossed-out symbol over a sink and toilet, surrounded by pills, bottles, and environmental icons like fish. The text highlights the agency's mandate to educate about the environmental risks of pharmaceuticals.

© Umweltbundesamt und Ecologic Institut 2025

The Federal Environment Agency's online platform "Human Pharmaceuticals and the Environment" provides information on the environmental impact of human pharmaceuticals and gives recommendations for environmentally conscious use and disposal. The aim is to minimize the... Read more

German Environment Agency (Hrsg.) 2025: Human Pharmaceuticals and the Environment. Internet portal. Dessau-Roßlau. URL:

Screenshot of a website about circular textiles. The header displays the title 'Zirkuläre Textilien' in blue and black. Below, a navigation bar includes links to 'Startseite,' 'Verbundprojekte,' 'News,' 'Veranstaltungen,' and an 'English' option. The main section contains a headline 'Zirkuläre Textilien,' a description of a funding initiative for circular economy in the textile sector, and bullet points outlining key focus areas. On the left, there is an image of a textile production process.

© Ecologic Institute, 2024

Ecologic Institute designed and developed the project website "Circular Textiles" within the networking and transfer project of the funding program "Resource-efficient circular economy – circular sustainable textiles: development of holistic, practical solutions for... Read more

Ecologic Institute (2024): Zirkuläre Textilien. Website. URL:

Screenshot of the MoorNet homepage

© Ecologic Institute

Ecologic Institute designed and developed the MoorNet website and embedded peatland protection database. In addition, the website offers a filterable list of peatland-related events as well as quick access to the overview of already gained knowledge. Stakeholders in... Read more

Ecologic Institute (2023): MoorNet. Website. URL:

This information platform provides information for potential actors of renaturation projects. The aim of river restoration is to return rivers and streams to their natural state and to improve their ecological status. Natural and semi-natural rivers and streams have... Read more

German Environment Agency (ed.) 2019: Renaturierung von Fließgewässern. Internetportal compiled by Kemper M., Lamberty G., Wagner F. and Zumbroich T. on behalf of the German Environment Agency, Dessau-Roßlau. URL:

The main objective of the platform is to provide organisational support for the German Roundtable on Marine Litter and its working groups. In addition, the public part of the platform serves public relations work and the bundling of information on marine litter. The... Read more

Umweltbundesamt 2019: Runder Tisch Meeresmüll. Internet platform. URL:

A newly created atlas for fish protection and downstream fish migration ("Atlas Fischschutz & Fischabstieg"), designed and implemented by Ecologic Institute, is online since June 2016. The map indicates all the locations of measures for fish protection and... Read more

Ecologic Institut 2016: Atlas Fischschutz & Fischabstieg. URL:

REFRESH Projekt Website
REFRESH was a project aiming at the reduction of avoidable food waste and improved valorization of food resources in Europe. Through conducting research and initiating pilot projects in different countries REFRESH developed solutions for consumers, businesses and... Read more

REFRESH 2015: REFRESH: Resource Efficient Food and dRink for the Entire Supply cHain. URL:

Website Wangeliner Workcamps
The project „Wangeliner Workcamps“ presents green jobs for the future to young people. During the school holidays of 2016-2018 young people can participate for free in the one-week work camps in the city Wangelin in Mecklenburg, Germany. Workshops are offered in seven... Read more

Ecologic Institute 2016: Wangeliner Workcamps. URL:

Projektwebsite: MinFuture
The MinFuture website provides an overview of the project objectives, structure and partners as well as events and news related to relevant issues of the project. Furthermore, project outputs such as deliverables, policy briefs and publications are regularly promoted on... Read more

MinFuture Consortium 2017: Global Material Flows and Demand-supply Forecasting for Mineral Strategies (MinFuture). URL:

Climate Policy Info Hub
Do you need a quick overview of climate targets in the EU? Or have you wanted to find out about stakeholder perspectives on the EU Emissions Trading System? The Climate Policy Info Hub gives the answers and provides insights on consequences of possible climate policy... Read more

POLIMP consortium 2015: Climate Policy Info Hub, URL:

AQUACROSS Projektwebsite
The AQUACROSS website provides information on the AQUACROSS project, approach and case studies. Project outputs such as deliverables, policy briefs and publications are regularly promoted on the website. Ecologic Institute is responsible for the concept, design and... Read more

Ecologic Institute (2015): Knowledge, Assessment, and Management for Aquatic Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services Across EU Policies (AQUACROSS). URL:


Body proportion based* bar spacing for racks to prevent fish passage into high-risk areas

CC BY 4.0 Ecologic Institute and IGF Jena 2023

This infographic shows, color-coded for the three developmental stages of domestic fish, body proportion-based bar spacing of rakes that can prevent fish from swimming into the high-risk areas. The infographic is published under a creative commons license CC BY 4.0.... Read more

Ecologic Institute and IGF Jena 2023: Body proportion based* bar spacing for racks to prevent fish passage into high-risk areas. Infographic.

Infographic "Übersicht nicht chemischer Pflanzenschutzmaßnahmen"

CC-BY 4.0 Ecologic Institute 2022

The discussion about possible alternatives to conventional pesticides has gained momentum with the announcement of the EU Farm to Fork Strategy. The European Commission proposes a 50 percent reduction in synthetic and hazardous pesticides by 2030. But what are possible... Read more

Ecologic Institute 2022: Übersicht nicht chemischer Pflanzenschutzmaßnahmen. Infographic CC-BY 4.0.

Infographic 2019 Evaluation Outcome for Measures to Promote EVs

Evaluation Outcome for Measures to Promote EVs


Ecologic Institute 2019

This infographic visualises the evaluation results of various measures to promote electric vehicles. It specifies the corresponding measures and illustrates the evaluation criteria. The infographic is licensed under a Creative Commons license CC BY-ND 4.0, i. e. it can... Read more

Ecologic Institute 2019: Evaluation Outcome for Measures to Promote EV. Infographic.

This infographic illustrates the research objects of the joint research projects with a social science component in the research focus "Plastics in the Environment" along the value chain and with a view to the addressed societal sectors. In addition, the graph indicates... Read more

Ecologic Institute 2019: Plastik in der Umwelt: Sozialwissenschaftliche Forschung. Überblick über Forschungsgegenstände, Ergebnisarten und Zielgruppen der Projekte mit sozialwissenschaftlichem Anteil im BMBF-Forschungsschwerpunkt "Plastik in der Umwelt". Infographic.

Infographic 2019 Planning and Implementation of Restoration Projects

Planning and Implementation of Restoration Projects


CC BY-ND 4.0 Umweltbundesamt 2019

The project schedule for river restoration projects can vary greatly. This flow chart shows the most important project steps. Natural river development is a complex undertaking. A well-structured planning management creates the prerequisites for a balanced solution and... Read more

Umweltbundesamt (2019): Planning and implementation of restoration projects. Infographic. Online:

Poster 2019 Measures for River Restoration

Measures for River Restoration


CC BY-ND 4.0 Umweltbundesamt 2019

Over 90% of German rivers and streams are straightened, constricted, piped or interrupted by structures such as weirs or barrages. Restoration can improve the ecological status and attractiveness of water bodies. Bulldozers are not always needed to restore a river.... Read more

Umweltbundesamt (2019): Measures for river restoration. Infographic. Online:

Infographic 2019  Funding for River Restoration

Funding for River Restoration


CC BY-ND 4.0 Umweltbundesamt 2019

River restoration costs money, but there are many funding instruments and grants that can be combined. In addition, compensatory measures and overlapping interests with other departments and stakeholders (e.g. flood protection, nature conservation) can be utilised. The... Read more

Umweltbundesamt (2019): Funding for river restoration. Infographic. Online:

The infographic gives an overview of which characteristic causes of injury of fish is caused by which typical corridor components (e.g. barriers, turbines). The infographic is part of a manual that focuses on the site specific evaluation of the efficiency of fish... Read more

Ecologic Institut & IGF Jena / FLUSS (2015): "Überblick über typische Korridorkomponenten und damit verbundene, charakteristische Schädigungsursachen." Infographic published in: Schmalz, Wolfgang; Falko Wagner und Damien Sonny 2015: "Arbeitshilfe zur standörtlichen Evaluierung des Fischschutzes und Fischabstiegs.", page 39.

The infographic gives an examplary overview of the multitude and type of injury of fish at complex hydropower sites. The infographic is part of a manual that focuses on the site specific evaluation of the efficiency of fish protection and bypass systems. Standardized... Read more

Ecologic Institut & IGF Jena / FLUSS (2015): "Beispielhafter Überblick über die Korridore eines komplexen Standortes mit Wasserkraftnutzung und charakteristischen Schädigungsursachen." Infographic published in: Schmalz, Wolfgang; Falko Wagner und Damien Sonny 2015: "Arbeitshilfe zur standörtlichen Evaluierung des Fischschutzes und Fischabstiegs.", page 40.

The infographic visualises various risks of fish injury caused by technical water installations. The infographic is part of a manual that focuses on the site specific evaluation of the efficiency of fish protection and bypass systems. Standardized evaluation... Read more

Ecologic Institut & IGF Jena / FLUSS (2015): "Mögliche Wirkungen von Standorten wassertechnischer Anlagen auf Fischindividuen". Infographic published in: Schmalz, Wolfgang; Falko Wagner und Damien Sonny 2015: "Arbeitshilfe zur standörtlichen Evaluierung des Fischschutzes und Fischabstiegs.", page 43.

This infographic visualizes the cumulative impacts of technical water installations in the migration path of fish. The infographic is part of a manual that focuses on the site specific evaluation of the efficiency of fish protection and bypass systems. Standardized... Read more

Ecologic Institut & IGF Jena / FLUSS (2015): "Kumulative Wirkung dreier Standorte innerhalb der Wanderstrecke mehrerer Teilpopulationen einer Art in einem Gewässersystem". Infographic published in: Schmalz, Wolfgang; Falko Wagner und Damien Sonny 2015: "Arbeitshilfe zur standörtlichen Evaluierung des Fischschutzes und Fischabstiegs.", page 103.

The infographic explains the use of nematodes, bacteria and viruses for biological pest control. The infographic is licensed under a Creative Commons license CC BY-ND 4.0, which means that you may freely use it unchanged and mentioning the author. The infographic is... Read more

Umweltbundesamt (2016): Verborgene Helfer im Hobbygarten. Infographic. Online:

This infographic helps to plan crop rotation in your vegetable garden. The table shows the nutritional needs and the plant family of the most important vegetables. The nutrients contained in the soil of your garden are best exploited if you first plant vegetables with... Read more

Umweltbundesamt (2016): Fruchtfolge planen: Nährstoffbedarf und Pflanzenfamilie beachten. Infographic. Online:

This infographic gives an example with which vegetables you can follow a crop rotation in four patches and four years, taking into account nutrient demands and plant families. For this purpose it is convenient to divide the vegetable garden into four areas. Through an... Read more

Umweltbundesamt (2016): Fruchtfolge mit vier Beeten - Ein Beispiel. Infographic. Online:

This infographic shows photos of attractive flowering plants that are avoided by slugs. The infographic is licensed under a Creative Commons license CC BY-ND 4.0, which means that you may freely use it unchanged and mentioning the author. The infographic is part of a... Read more

Umweltbundesamt (2016): Diese Zierpflanzen kennen keine Schneckenprobleme. Infographic. Online:

This infographic provides a brief overview of the effects of active pharmaceutical ingredients observed in studies on non-target organisms that have been submitted and evaluated in the context of veterinary drug approvals (status 2017). A detailed version of the table,... Read more

Umweltbundesamt (2017): Effekte von Arzneimitteln auf Nichtzielorganismen. Infografik.

This illustration visualizes the processes of degradation, runoff, accumulation, uptake and infiltration of veterinary drugs in the environment. Active substances from veterinary medicines behave very differently depending on the substance and location properties. While... Read more

Umweltbundesamt (2017): Tierarzneimittel in der Umwelt: Abbau, Verlagerung und Verbleib. Interactive Infographic. Online:

This infographic was developed within the project "DYNAmic policy MIXes for Absolute Decoupling of Environmental Impact of EU Resource Use from Economic Growth (DYNAMIX)". It communicates 5 key targets regarding resource use and visualizes that there are different... Read more

Umpfenbach, Katharina; Melanie Kemper; Beáta Vargová (2013): Respecting planetary boundaries. EU policy pathways to DYNAMIX 2050 vision. Infographic.

This infographic was developed within the project "DYNAmic policy MIXes for Absolute Decoupling of Environmental Impact of EU Resource Use from Economic Growth (DYNAMIX)". It proposes to reframe the decoupling concept and thus presents a key assumption developed in... Read more

Umpfenbach, Katharina; Melanie Kemper; Beáta Vargová (2013): Decoupling Concepts. Infographic.

This German-French infographic was developed in the course of the master thesis "Infographics for knowledge communication in international environmental policy". ... Read more

Kemper, Melanie 2010: Wir helfen den Bienen / Nous aidons les abeilles. Infographic.

Brochures, Fact Sheets, Flyers, Posters and Postcards

Cover of the factsheet "What makes a screen to a fish protection screen

© German Participatory Forum on Fish Protection and Downstream Migration

This fact sheet examines the functional elements of a fish protection system and explains when a rake is a fish protection rake. The fact sheet "What makes a screen to a fish protection screen" is available for download. The key messages of Fact Sheet No. 05 are: ... Read more

Wagner, Falko 2021: What makes a screen to a fish protection screen? The functional components of a fish protection system. Jena: Institute of Aquatic Ecology and Fish Biology, IGF Jena.

Cover of the Fact sheet "Fischschutz- und Fischabstiegsmaßnahmen - Praxisbeispiele im Überblick" with a site map and the key messages

© Forum Fischschutz und Fischabstieg

This fact sheet introduces the "Atlas Fischschutz & Fischabstieg" and its contents. The fact sheet "Fischschutz- und Fischabstiegsmaßnahmen – Praxisbeispiele im Überblick (Fish protection and downstream fish migration measures – Practical examples at a glance)" is... Read more

Keuneke, Rita et al. 2022: Fischschutz- und Fischabstiegsmaßnahmen – Praxisbeispiele im Überblick. Atlas für den Wissenstransfer zu Fischschutz und Fischabstieg. Ingenieurbüro Floecksmühle GmbH, Umweltbundesamt: Aachen, Dessau-Roßlau.

Cover of the publication "Our brooks and rivers". Background image shows a restored river basin.

© Umweltbundesamt

This brochure provides insights into the contents of the Federal Environment Agency's online information platform "River restoration". The aim of the platform and this brochure is to motivate and support potential actors for increased implementation of river restoration... Read more

Federal Environment Agency (ed.) 2020: Unsere Bäche und Flüsse: renaturieren – entwickeln – naturnah unterhalten. Compiled by Lamberty G., Kemper M. und Naumann S., Dessau-Roßlau.

Delicately fragranced rose blossoms. Dew drops sparkling on leaves. Buzzing bees, fluttering butterflies and a basket of homegrown fruits and aromatic herbs. Gardening is a sensual experience - a pleasure and a joy. Or, at least, as long as everything goes according to... Read more

Umweltbundesamt (Ed.) 2016: Gartenlust statt Gartenfrust - Praxistipps zum Pflanzenschutz. UBA-Ratgeber Brochure. 32 Pages. Berlin.

Our greenhouse gases are partly responsible for climate change. The ice in the Arctic is melting and native animals like the polar bear are losing their habitat. But where should they go? This postcard is part of a series of three postcards that provide information... Read more

Federal Environment Agency 2018: Sind wir noch zu retten? Postcard.

Every day we (unconsciously) use raw materials that are also mined in the Arctic. These are not only found in smartphones. The extraction of raw materials has a high impact on the environment. Those who use their devices for longer, conserve resources and support the... Read more

Federal Environment Agency 2018: Cooles neues Handy? Postcard.

Wind and water carry our carelessly thrown things even into the Arctic. If we handle waste in Germany more consciously, we relieve the unique Arctic environment.This postcard is part of a series of three postcards that provide information on how the daily consumption of... Read more

Federal Environment Agency 2018: Aus den Augen, aus dem Sinn? Postcard.

| © Ecologic Institut
As part of the visual identity for project "Resource Efficient Food and dRink for the Entire Supply cHain" (REFRESH), Ecologic Institute designed two promotional flyers in small postcard format. The flyers summarizes general objectives and aims of the project, are... Read more

Ecologic Institut 2016: What is waste? - EU project Resource Efficient Food and dRink for the Entire Supply cHain to reduce food waste across Europe. Flyer.

This brochure is aimed at veterinarians. It provides information on how veterinary medicines enter the environment, explains their environmental impact and shows how environmental aspects can be taken into account in daily veterinary work. The advisory role of... Read more

Umweltbundesamt (Ed.) 2017: Veterinärmedizin – Tierarzneimittel – Umwelt. Wie kann die Tiermedizin Einträge vermindern?. UBA brochure. 12 pages. Berlin.

This brochure is aimed at farmers. It provides information on how veterinary medicines enter the environment and explains their environmental impact. It also identifies ways in which environmental aspects can be taken into account in the application of veterinary... Read more

Umweltbundesamt (Ed.) 2017: Landwirtschaft – Tierarzneimittel – Umwelt. Wie kann die Tierhaltung Einträge vermindern? UBA brochure. 12 pages. Dessau-Roßlau.

How is a topic such as microplastics socially problematised? How can consumers use plastics more sustainably? And what role do the interests and perceptions of different actors play in international plastics regulation? These and other questions are posed by social... Read more

Ecologic Institute 2019: Plastik in der Umwelt: Sozialwissenschaftliche Forschung. Überblick über Forschungsgegenstände, Ergebnisarten und Zielgruppen der Projekte mit sozialwissenschaftlichem Anteil im BMBF-Forschungsschwerpunkt "Plastik in der Umwelt". PlastikNet Poster Series. Poster.


This video introduces potential actors to river restoration. It includes interviews with project managers of river restoration measures across Germany. Core topics of the video include: advantages of near-natural rivers funding for river restoration using... Read more

Umweltbundesamt 2019: Renaturierung von Fließgewässern in Deutschland. Video. Online:


© Ecologic Institute

Plastic waste, plastic parts and microplastics can be found everywhere in the environment. Plastic particles are also detected in living organisms. But what exactly is the situation? To find out, the German Ministry of Research is funding the research priority "Plastics... Read more

Ecologic Institute 2021: Plastics in the Environment – Sources • Sinks • Solutions. Video. Online:

In 2019, the European research project REFRESH has come to an end. The video provides an overview of the food waste situation in the EU explaining the most relevant challenges and how these have been addressed by the project with regard to three focus areas: a)... Read more

Ecologic Institute 2019: Research Against Food Waste. REFRESH. Video. Online:

This video summarises the REFRESH project's activities and findings in the field of consumer behavior. Households account for more than half of the food waste generated in the EU. A large survey conducted by REFRESH in four European countries revealed relevant... Read more

Ecologic Institute 2019: Reducing Consumer Food Waste. REFRESH. Video. Online:

This video shows options studied within REFRESH of how to use food side flows in a more sustainable way than it is done today. One example is feeding treated surplus food to omnivorous livestock. REFRESH also developed the decision support tool FORKLIFT which... Read more

Ecologic Institute 2019: Valorising Unavoidable Food Waste. REFRESH. Video. Online:

This video summarises the main activities and findings of the five national platforms. In order to adapt actions and responses to food waste challenges nationally, REFRESH established national networking platforms in the following five countries: Germany, Hungary, Spain... Read more

Ecologic Institute 2019: National Platforms to Fight Food Waste. REFRESH. Video. Online:

The media has reported that medicines, such as antibiotics and birth control pills, are being found in rivers and lakes and even in drinking water. Is this true? How do drugs get there, and do they have effects? Is there anything being done to address this? Can you do... Read more

Ecologic Institute 2013: The Drugs We Wash Away: Pharmaceuticals, Drinking Water and the Environment. Animated video. Online:

Training Material

The production of food results in by-products. Instead of disposing them as waste, they can also be valorised into new products. This quiz lets you find out what new products can be made from this food waste. The player scrolls two image galleries and chooses two... Read more

Ecologic Institute 2019: Quiz: Food Waste Valorisation. Online:

Residues of veterinary pharmaceuticals may enter water and soil via manure and dung. Farmers can reduce this environmental impact through their farming practices. These teaching materials were designed for agricultural vocational schools. They contain worksheets,... Read more

Umweltbundesamt (ed.) 2018: Umweltwirkungen von Tierarzneimitteln. Unterrichtsmaterial für landwirtschaftliche Berufsschulen.

Residues of veterinary pharmaceuticals may enter and be dispersed through water and soil via manure and dung. Farmers can reduce these environmental impacts through their farming practices. These teaching materials were designed for agricultural vocational schools. They... Read more

Umweltbundesamt (ed.) 2018: Verschleppung von Tierarzneimitteln in die Umwelt. Unterrichtsmaterial für landwirtschaftliche Berufsschulen.

Residues of veterinary pharmaceuticals may enter water and soil via manure and dung. Farmers can reduce this environmental impact through their practices. These teaching materials have been designed for advanced learners in agriculture. They consist of presentation... Read more

Umweltbundesamt (ed.) 2018: Minimierung der landwirtschaftlichen Einträge von Tierarzneimitteln in die Umwelt. Lehrmaterialien Landwirtschaft für Fortgeschrittene.

Residues of veterinary pharmaceuticals may enter water and soil via manure and dung. Veterinarians can reduce this environmental impact through their practices. These teaching materials were designed for further veterinary training. They consist of lecture slides and... Read more

Umweltbundesamt (ed.) 2018: Umweltaspekte von Tierarzneimitteln in der tiermedizinischen Praxis. Lehrmaterialien für Tierärztinnen und Tierärzte.

This poster was developed as training material in a course on the theme of "energy for development", that is targeted at development cooperation professionals, which will encounter energy issues in their work outside of the home country. ... Read more

Kemper, Melanie; Eike Dreblow; Matthias Duwe et. al. (2012): Power to the People – a Review of the Mexican Electrification Strategy. Poster.

This poster was developed as training material in a course on the theme of "energy for development", that is targeted at development cooperation professionals, which will encounter energy issues in their work outside of the home country. ... Read more

Kemper, Melanie; Eike Dreblow; Matthias Duwe et. al. (2012): The Energy Choice: Negotiating Cost, Carbon and Convenience. Poster.

This poster was developed as training material in a course on the theme of "energy for development", that is targeted at development cooperation professionals, which will encounter energy issues in their work outside of the home country. ... Read more

Kemper, Melanie; Eike Dreblow; Matthias Duwe et. al. (2012): The Global Sustainable Energy Challenge. Poster.

This poster was developed as training material in a course on the theme of "energy for development", that is targeted at development cooperation professionals, which will encounter energy issues in their work outside of the home country. ... Read more

Kemper, Melanie; Eike Dreblow; Matthias Duwe et. al. (2012): Instruments for Sustainable Energy Policy. Poster.

Website Concepts

Cover ZirTeNet Websitekonzept

Ecologic Institut 2024

Kemper, Melanie 2024: ZirTeNet: Websitekonzept - Planung der Informationsarchitektur von Ecologic Institut. Berlin. Unpublished.... Read more

Kemper, Melanie 2024: ZirTeNet: Websitekonzept - Planung der Informationsarchitektur von Ecologic Institut. Berlin. Unpublished.

Informationsstrukturkonzept für das Internetportal Humanarzneimittel und Umwelt
Kemper, Melanie 2023: Informationsstrukturkonzept für das Internetportal Humanarzneimittel und Umwelt. Ecologic Institute, Berlin. Unpublished.The Internet portal described in this document is available online at: Read more

Kemper, Melanie 2023: Informationsstrukturkonzept für das Internetportal Humanarzneimittel und Umwelt. Ecologic Institute, Berlin. Unpublished.

Cover ECNO Website Concept

© Ecologic Institute 2023

This document drafts a concept of the information architecture and user interface of the European Climate Neutrality Observatory (ECNO) website. It served to develop a common vision of the website and its data structure within the project team. Based on this concept... Read more

Kemper, Melanie and Eike K. Velten (2023): ECNO Website Concept - Planning the user interface and information architecture of the European Climate Neutrality Observatory's website. Ecologic Institute, Berlin. Unpublished.

Website-Konzept für die Einbindung der Plastikpiraten in die Website der Fördermaßnahme "Plastik in der Umwelt"
Kemper, Melanie 2018: Website-Konzept für die Einbindung der Plastikpiraten in die Website der Fördermaßnahme "Plastik in der Umwelt" Berlin, unpublished. ... Read more

Kemper, Melanie 2018: Website-Konzept für die Einbindung der Plastikpiraten in die Website der Fördermaßnahme "Plastik in der Umwelt" Berlin, unpublished.

Cover Website Concept River Restoration 2017

Ecologic Institut

Kemper, Melanie, Georg Lamberty, Falko Wagner 2017: Informationsplattform Gewässerrenaturierung – Website Konzept, Berlin, September 2017, unpublished. ... Read more

Kemper, Melanie, Georg Lamberty, Falko Wagner 2017: Informationsplattform Gewässerrenaturierung – Website Konzept, Berlin, September 2017, unpublished.

MinFuture Web Platform Concept
Kemper, Melanie 2017: MinFuture Web Platform Concept – – Milestone MS8, Berlin, August 2017, unpublished. ... Read more

Kemper, Melanie 2017: MinFuture Web Platform Concept – – Milestone MS8, Berlin, August 2017, unpublished.

Konzept für die Website der Wangeliner Workcamps
Kemper, Melanie et al. 2016: Konzept für die Website der Wangeliner Workcamps –, Berlin, November 2016, unpublished. ... Read more

Kemper, Melanie et al. 2016: Konzept für die Website der Wangeliner Workcamps –, Berlin, November 2016, unpublished.

Cover Kurzkonzept Website Forum Fischschutz

(c) Ecologic Institut

Kemper, Melanie 2015: Kurzkonzept für die Erweiterung des Informationsangebotes der Website des Forums "Fischschutz und Fischabstieg" –, Berlin, October 2015. Unpublished. ... Read more

Kemper, Melanie 2015: Kurzkonzept für die Erweiterung des Informationsangebotes der Website des Forums "Fischschutz und Fischabstieg" –, Berlin, October 2015. Unpublished.

Konzept Online-Informationsangebot "Umweltverträglicher Pflanzenschutz"
Kemper, Melanie and Mascha Schacht 2015: Konzept Online-Informationsangebot "Umweltverträglicher Pflanzenschutz" –, Berlin, February 2015, unpublished. ... Read more

Kemper, Melanie and Mascha Schacht 2015: Konzept Online-Informationsangebot "Umweltverträglicher Pflanzenschutz" –, Berlin, February 2015, unpublished.

Communication Strategies

Cover des Endberichts

Ecologic Institut 2024

Kemper, Melanie; Christin Dammann; Johanna Henkel; Juliane Petri 2024: Kommunikation zur Umsetzung von Moorschutz in Brandenburg – Empfehlungen und Handreichungen. Ecologic Institut und Deutscher Verband für Landschaftspflege. Unpublished.... Read more

Kemper, Melanie; Christin Dammann; Johanna Henkel; Juliane Petri 2024: Kommunikation zur Umsetzung von Moorschutz in Brandenburg – Empfehlungen und Handreichungen. Ecologic Institut und Deutscher Verband für Landschaftspflege. Unpublished.

UBA TEXTE 115/2018
This final report contains the interim results of a project on communication strategies for reducing agriculture-related entry of veterinary pharmaceuticals into the environment. It describes: the results of a literature study on the state of research on... Read more

Kemper, Melanie et. al. 2018: Kommunikationsstrategien zur Verminderung von Tierarzneimitteleinträgen aus der Landwirtschaft in die Umwelt. Abschlussbericht. Umweltbundesamt: Dessau-Roßlau.

Kommunikationskonzept "Wangeliner Workcamps – eine grüne Idee von Zukunft"
Kemper, Melanie, Karl Lehmann, Saraniya Nageswaran 2017: Kommunikationskonzept "Wangeliner Workcamps – eine grüne Idee von Zukunft". Berlin, unpublished. ... Read more

Kemper, Melanie, Karl Lehmann, Saraniya Nageswaran 2017: Kommunikationskonzept "Wangeliner Workcamps – eine grüne Idee von Zukunft". Berlin, unpublished.

REFRESH Dissemination Strategy
This document sets out the overarching communication strategy of REFRESH. It introduces the dissemination-related objectives of REFRESH, identifies relevant target groups, describes the different communication instruments of REFRESH and explains the role of the... Read more

Wunder, Stephanie; Kemper, Melanie; McFarland, Keighley; Smith, Lucy 2015: REFRESH Dissemination Strategy. Communication strategy within the project: Resource Efficient Food and dRink for the Entire Supply cHain (REFRESH). Berlin, unpublished.

MinFuture Guidance Documentation for Dissemination and Communication
Kemper, Melanie, Chiara Mazzetti 2017: MinFuture Guidance documentation for dissemination and communication, D6.2. Berlin, unpublished. ... Read more

Kemper, Melanie, Chiara Mazzetti 2017: MinFuture Guidance documentation for dissemination and communication, D6.2. Berlin, unpublished.